Summing up the decade and see you next year!
As 2019 draws to its final day's closure and a new year, a new decade, is upon us, I find myself reading on some of the opinion posts i've written this year. I see that I find the posts as a way of interpreting the life lessons i've learnt over the multitude of different experiences I've had over the years.
I find that I am constantly making, or trying to make a connection between the lessons we must all learn from life about different topics: passion, love, pain, hardships, health and so on; to the pursuits I enjoy - motorcycle racing, riding, scuba diving and keeping fit. Doing this approach to exploring the lessons of life, I have found that I am able to relate to them in a way that helps me in understanding and also applying this lessons of life in a better way. At the same time, it has made me aware of how a lot of different things or pursuits we do in life all have multiple objectives that they will teach you down the path at different times. Most of these objectives are not clearly visible, or even tangible, when taken at the moment. Hindsight, the greatest (and sometimes the worst) gift that it is, helps us see and make more sense of the many different circumstances under which we learnt some of the objectives.
I will share below some of my favourite posts from the last year (and probably before that) in one post below - handy for the times I wish to read a collection of this decade, sometime in the far, far, future.
Lessons learnt from a decade of motorcycling - All or nothing
A high speed crash and life's biggest lessons
The price of overwhelming freedom
The importance of anchors in our lives
The other side of maximum fear
Of motorcycles and love stories
I think I found out the most important question of my life
Lessons learnt in the third decade of my life
Although, I will admit, I would like to change some things I've written in the above post as I've learnt some more, especially about work and life and how a harmony of life is better (and possibly more important) than work life balance. :D
Happy new decade, and a new year to you all. Make 2020 yours!!
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