Stik vs. Brick: Which is better for your stop motion movies?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

maxresdefault (2).jpg Stop motion is by it's very definition "a cinematographic technique whereby the camera is repeatedly stopped and started, for example to give animated figures the impression of movement." This brings inanimate objects an illusion of life. When you hear stop motion, LEGO usually comes to mind, but usually for me I think of I think of Stikbots. Today I'll be listing the pros and cons of each figure and which I find is the best. A Stikbot is like a LEGO mini figure, but more free with the limbs. Stikbots can bend their arms, rotate their waist, bend their neck, bend their legs, and so on. This is because Stikbots have an elastic like innards that bend and twist to have more freedom with their movements. LEGO Mini Figures can only move their legs forward and back, as with their arms, and can rotate their head 360 degrees.giphy.gif This lack of freedom in the mini figures movement is a con, unless you're going to go hardcore and make your animation so fluid, it'll look almost alive. Stikbots however, can bring life to your animations if you get creative like adding stumbling while running, jerky movements, weight, and other nice touches. Stikbots may be more living with their range of movements, but customizing them is pretty limited. They come in many many colors, but it's the same ._. on every Stikbot. Recently they added clothes and props for Stikbots, but it's nothing compared to LEGO'S MILLIONS apon MILLIONS of heads, hats, hair, hands, shirts, capes, vests, legs, heights, 300 different kinds of swords, guns models, GENERATIONS! brick-lego-figures_3120353b.jpg And don't get me started with how many bricks there are. You can make virtually ANYTHING for your stop motion movies. much more customization in how their Mini Figures, but Stikbots have more customization on their movement. But why do only LEGO Figures use bricks, and why not Stikbots? LEGO figures have small indents in their legs to "stick" to the little iconic circled dents in a LEGO Brick. Stikbot use suction to walk, as this gives them MUCH more freedom n where you can film a Stikbot movie, but LEGO bricks are too bumpy for their suction, and the Stikbot will simply fall over. I think this is a pro for the Stikbot side, because LEGO Sets are big and clunky, more over not very portable. But Stikbot's jingle is "Stikbots on the fridge, Stikbots on the wall, Stikbots starring at you while your at the mall." This directly references Stikbot's mobility, as you can film ANYWHERE. Also, LEGO can be more expensive for the bricks. Stikbots can run wild anywhere, at a cheap price. So neither is necessarily better than the other, rather then a style of movie making. LEGO in my opinion is for those who want to make their own world, their own story, in this plastic little world. Stikbots on the other hand, are more like little house invaders, like a pest. Still you can make your own world and story, but I love seeing them invading peoples homes in animations and eating freshly baked cookies. Stikbots just have this mischievous personality. So what will you animate?


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

So neither is necessarily better then the other, rather then a style of movie making.
It should be better than instead of better then.