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RE: Steemit Infographic (Funny) Fishing, Hunting or Farming?

in #blogging7 years ago

Great tips and so sorry you only made 4 cents on your 1st post! My hubby and I just watched your video from that first post and it's hilarious! Maybe you can post it again...just sayin it deserves more than 4 cents!


It's actually been posted again, which I didn't mention. The second time I think it made around $15. But, it can be so hit-or-miss. I think some of my hits have compensated for that...

Although if I were to get a re-cap of all the hours I've put into Steemit, I'd probably go pale and collapse... ☺

Still struggling to find balance here. I think I'm going to post every other day or go back to sketching. I'm a freelancer and I have very volatile swings in my work flow, there's no consistency... Will Steem eventually be a way to end this madness? I really hope so!