how can this kind of candy be dangerous?
in this kind of candy (called drop) does siy something wich gives you a high blood pressure. a high blood pressure can be dangerous foryour capillaries and destroy them, that is not dangerous if it happen in your hands or feet or something like that. but if it happen in your brain or hart (specialy brain) it can be very dangerous for your health.
but wich part of drop gives you a high blood pressure?
that is Glycyrrhizin (don't ask my how to say it)
why is Glycyrrhizin so dangerous?
in your stomach does Glycyrrhizin change in Glycyrrhetic acid
Glycyrrhetic acid cames in your blood, in your kidneys does it stop changing cortisol in cortisone.
there is then too much cortisone in your kidneys and then they hold too much sodium(a kind of salt) in your kidneys and salt holds water so there is too much water in your blood vessels, all that water gives you a high blood pressure.
so don't eat to much drop
p.s. all the pictures are from the internet
p.p.s. this is the one who did go wrong 2times
don't make that much blogs in 1 day
Sorry the first 2 of yesterdag were mistakes, they wen't wrong and i couldn't delete them and i couldn't put pictures in them with editinh