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RE: March Audio Book Reviews

in #book5 years ago


Stream of consciousness writing has to be the most difficult genre to read and you are brave having chosen Ulyses. Or any Joyce for that matter. I have a degree in literature and I have eschewed him. We had one novel in that genre in our final year, Saul Bellow's Herzog. My ex (we were students together) loved it. I could never finish it. I made a conscious decision to simply avoid it which meant that come exam time, I had to simply choose another question if it came up. I don't recall if it did.

Conrad - well there's another difficult one. His other classic, often studied is Lord Jim. Have no idea what it's like.

If, however, you enjoyedAgricola and could see the parellels with Brexit, you might enjoy Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World</> - science fiction for the time, but I think startlingly prophetic.

If you do read it, let me know what you think?



Well, I went with Brave New World. You have best recommendations. Give me a moment while I go get you a share of SBI.

I've definitely been able to tolerate and even enjoy small bits and pieces of stream of consciousness writing. I've never read any of Saul Bellow's work and I think I will avoid that for now.
I've never actually studied modern literature, but I have people in the family who have. I won't dare mention to them that I tried reading Joyce.

When it comes to Agricola and the parallels I made with Brexit, in that case, it is easy because they are dealing with how much continental influence is good for them again. In general, I disagree with the adage that history often repeats itself. That's kinda true if you disagree with the outcome of the event, it's more like humans even 2000+ years ago thought silimarly. Many aspects of society and humanity have changed less than we imagined. We just react similarly to similar events. The more I read ancient literature, the more obvious it seems.

I'm actually reading a never explored genre right now. I'll probably blog about it after, but if you want a heads up it's a feminist sci-fi utopian novel called Herland, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I'm no expert on feminism or feminist writers, but I did just read her bio and she had some very interesting mentors and role models while growing up.

Huxley's genre I like a lot. I read brave new world some time ago, possibly in school.
I think I will read it again now that you mention it. I found a copy, but for some reason, it is prefaced with a children's TV Show themes ong.

OMG! OMW! you know, in writing that comment, it never entered my head that I was entering a contest! I really am a bit of a dunce sometimes! Thank you @abitccoinskeptic, I am glad you chose Huxley. I should really go back and re-read it. It's one of the books that made an indellible impression on my then very young mind. Thanks again!

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