Bonobos are from Venus, Chimps are from Mars.

in #book2 years ago


The most interesting description of human beings in Nicholas Wade's fascinating Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors, may be:

"The most bipolar ape."

At the same time, we are both more violent and cruel than chimps, yet also far more kind and generous than bonobos or any other animal. (Yes, I know, except for your dog.)

Speaking of which, based on genetic evidence, Wade posits that the first dogs were three related wolves domesticated in East Asia some 15,000 years ago. He argues that at the same time, they also domesticated us: that is, they allowed us to live in houses, by taking up guard duty and protecting us from raiders by barking. (Which is why dogs bark more than wolves -- they were selected for their voices.)

So whether or not "it takes a village" to raise a child, apparently it takes a dog to raise a village.