What are you reading contest response

in #books6 years ago

IMG_4686.JPGHey guys! @riverflows is doing a contest on what you're currently reading or what's it's your reading queue and I think today or tomorrow may be the last full day to enter? I generally keep my reading stack in a basket by my side of the bed and, while the contest asks for only three books, my reading queue usually has at least five books in it. I'll keep my book descriptions to three though :)

The book I'm currently reading/listening to is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It's a classic novel about a man who is coming of age in Victorian society but the novel really focuses on the power of influence and the vices and virtues of youth in how it is spent. A curious portrait is painted of Dorian and the condition of his soul is reflected in the portrait as it ages and while Dorian outwardly stays eternally youthful.

The next book in my queue was a gift and was given after I discovered what a great author James Patterson is in his Jack Reacher series! In the 4th of July, a police detective named Lindsay makes a mistake during a showdown which ends up with her as a defendant in court and bringing unwanted attention to a police force she has worked very hard to uphold. She goes off to a small town to get away during a trial break and finds herself thrown into a murder mystery with multiple homicides nearly as longstanding as her career in the police force.

The last book in my short list queue is The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. This is a book about the daughter of a historian who is obsessed with the story of Dracula who, in the process of satiating his curiosity, finds himself kidnapped which sets his child on a search for him and her clouded family history. I read this book a long time ago but I remember that there were plenty of interesting places that the main characters visit. Particularly very old libraries and capital cities of Eastern Europe. Plus, can't turn down a good book on Vampire lore especially when the author gives a new twist by weaving in historical events!

Thanks for reading guys! Be sure to take part in the contest if you can.
It should be a good opportunity for you to maybe find a new book to add to your growing reading list! Keep reading!


Ps sorry the pics are loading up sideways. I'll try and fix it.


I’ve got so many books on my reading list. It seems like there is always something tonread and not enough time to do so. A good problem to have I guess.

It's a great problem to have! Time does seem to be an issue though. This was my short list but I'm pretty sure there is at least one shelf more for my to read pile.

Thanks for your entry! I love the backdrop to your books - that owl!! Vampire stories are always tempting, though I'm a zombie girl myself, believe it or not..I should write a post about that, too! So many books, so little time... xx

Thanks for the interesting contest! Owls are my favorite animal actually. I've seen zombie movies like the Resident Evil series which is pretty awesome but I haven't read any zombie fiction. It'd be good to do a post on that in the summer too when everything isnt overrun with ghouls, goblins, witches and the like around October. Just pick your favorites! :) oooor it could be another contest?