How to Talk to Anyone- |BOOK REVIEW||BEST SELLING AUTHOR| - |Leil Lowndes| #1

in #books7 years ago (edited)

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Hi, Steemians, this is a comprehensive book review of the best-selling book, I will share 3 interesting principles from the book.

Well, I love to read books and gain knowledge, One quick fact I would like to tell you is - An Avg fortune 500 CEO reads at least 60 books a year, well one could understand why they do so and how important it is?

I have broken down the principles of the book into three interesting techniques, Principles are boring, techniques and tricks are interesting, reminds me of maths theorems grhhh!

Technique number 1: Whatzit Technique

In order to explain this technique, consider you are at this party and want to talk to some stranger. one of the biggest unanswered question is how do I start?

Well here's the solution: apply whatzit technique,

Anything you wear or carry that is unusual refers to whatzit element, This little thing generates curiosity, gives you the unique factor, and a reason to start the conversation.

Personally, for me, i wear a ring, with a stone, a unique color which instantly grabs people's attention

The Whatzit element can be anything - A ring, A purse, A unique attracting proposition like a tattoo or a fringy colored hair.

There are many instances where people would want to talk to you, but you lack the Whatzit proposition to start the conversation.

In this type of technique, the control is with you, when a stranger jumps in with a query you can either answer the query and end or continue talking more and develop a relationship.

let's see the other scenario what if you wanna talk to someone, and there is no whatzit element, the author then introduces us to the next technique ...

Technique number 2 : Whoozat technique

let's imagine that you are at this party, you find someone interesting and wanna talk to them ...

Case 1: you know the party organizer, the plug, you go to him/her and ask this straight without hesitation:
That Man/Woman over there looks interesting, can you please introduce me to him/her?

Voila ! , you are half done,

Case 2: Consider a situation in which the party giver is busy with people or guest, in that case, what you need to do is, just raise a question of curiosity to the party giver, in turn, he will respond with a tie breaker

Tie breaker refers to the one piece of information which is shared by a known person about the unknown person.

some examples of tie breaker are: - imaginne you want to meet a strange person called Luu, let's say you approached the party giver with a curiosity question and party giver then gives you a tiebreaker saying that Luu is well known for his coin collection ... and boom! , this is the point you have got to approach luu later on, starting with a conversation revolving around coin collection, later building trust, eventually leading you to have a choice of friendship.

Now, one thing which can happen is there is no party organizer around you, so the technique 2 fails

That's where the third technique comes into play


This trick is what is built in features in us social beings like us , we all must admit that in extreme cases we do it, while it is not a good life etiquette.

But let's say that you are crazy about this girl, and above two techniques fail, and that girl you admire is with a group of men engaged in a deep conversation, in this case, you cannot approach a girl directly and say to her I was eavesdropping ...... blah blah blah!

Solution: get closer to the group and hear their conversation silently without active involvement, look for words being used that have a common purpose between you and the girl, this is the right time to jump in

Actively involve yourself in the conversation, by making excuse first.

let's say she is on vacation to Spain next week, and it so happens that you too are planning to go to Spain, jump right into the conversation for suggestions, or maybe you have visited Spain and would want to pass on the valuable suggestion.

Once you establish a conversation, that's it, you can take control from there.

So here are the 3 main techniques I stated from the book "How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships"

If you love the way I present follow me @theversatileguy or have any valuable suggestion drop them right in the comment section

For the Love of Reading!HALA!

upvote the content, so that I can read and post more interesting stuff, Resteem if you are bookworm;-0



Let Me know if i should start a book review series, also if i should add link to buy the book

I am glad you left out the troll technique....

Dint get you , are you pointing to the content ?

Just trying to insert some humor... maybe I flopped.

Best wishes for your writing.

Well written dude! Like i said in the chat, work on appropriate tags that gets your content noticed better. First tag is the primary tag so use the most relevant one from the trending topics you can possibly find without it looking spammy. Keep on Steeming! Cheers!

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