The across the board of digital money exchanging on various stages has prompted the seriousness of liquidity fracture. The multitudinous number of exchanging trade has set down difficulties in the market. This prompted the introduction of Liqnet. Liqnet is a digital currency exchange that points in joining liquidity from various stages in perspective of tackling the issues inclined to the liquidity discontinuity.
Diverse platforms have an unmistakable and novel method of trade. The platforms have differentiated and divided liquidity. As more platforms are getting to be set up, liquidity is winding up more divided. Exchanging platforms have turned out to be so incalculable with the end goal that the market needs unification. The various digital currency exchanges made by different platforms have tormented the market with difficulties and issues. Clients and their benefits are being parted. This is caused by the incalculable number of exchanging trades in the market prompted the fragmentation of liquidity and expanded instability of advantages.
The fragmentation of liquidity by different platforms has frightened speculators off from putting resources into cryptocurrencies. The expansion and expanded number of exchanging cryptocurrencies have made a low income producing market, making liquidity to lose esteem. This disheartens speculators from contributing.
Additionally, there is no ensured affirmation of straightforwardness in exchanging with such endless developing number of exchanging trade. No financial specialist might want to put resources into a business with no straightforwardness and certification. The part of liquidity and resources caused by the various digital currency exchanges has influenced financial specialists to see interest in cryptographic forms of money as a betting undertaking related to dangers.
Amidst these difficulties made by liquidity fragmentation, there is a need to basically survey the plenitude of trade and exchange devices in the market. The market should look to get a bound together exchanging trade to expand income and energize financial specialists.
LIQNET, the Solution to the Problems of Liquidity Fragmentation
• To basically survey the plenitude of exchange instruments and address the previously mentioned issues tormented by the wealth, Liqnet is been made.
• Liqnet is a protected digital currency exchange which joins liquidity from various stages. It takes care of the issues of dissipating and part of clients, their benefits, exchanging solicitations, and requests. It tackles this issue by joining liquidity streams from various stages into one request book.
• Liqnet utilizes Liquidity Exchange Network (LEN) innovation to handle liquidity fragmentation.
The LEN innovation is comprised of three administrations which are the information gatherer, the robotized exchanging framework giving assurance of customers' arrangements at outside platform and computerized stores designating and bookkeeping framework.
Through Liquidity Exchange Network, Liqnet builds the level of liquidity and exchanging volumes in their business sectors by interfacing API of outside stages to the robotized exchanging framework. The innovation gathers trade orders from customers and requests from outsider stages and joins them into a solitary bound together request book. This empowers clients to execute at a positive cost with an insignificant spread.
To draw in financial specialists into cryptocurrency exchange, Liqnet task will issue its own LEN token and hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Tokens will be sold to planned purchasers and financial specialists with extra offers. It indicates to offer a rebate on the trade expenses of up to 90% contingent upon the number of tokens, the LEN token holder spends. With such plan consolidated in Liqnet, speculators are pulled in. In as much as Liqnet looks to take care of the issue of liquidity fragmentation, it won't overlook any blunders related with the wallet that one has gotten and store LEN token. Each data expected to execute in the crypto trade market ought to be correct to maintain a strategic distance from faults. Liqnet will be capable and responsible to the supply of wrong data.
Token Info
Token - LEN
Price - 1 LEN = 1 USD
Platform - Ethereum Based
Accepted - ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, ZEC
Soft cap - 20,000,000 USD
Hard cap - 50,000,000 USD
for more information on how to purchase LEN, please contact:
Website: https://liqnet.com/
Whitepaper: https://liqnet.io/static/docs/Liqnet_WhitePaper_en.pdf0