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RE: SLC S21 Week 2 - Basic Herbal Remedies for Daily Health.

in #burnsteem2521 days ago

People always turn to natural cures and health has always been a thing that is easily and naturally maintained. One of the best things that people can try with herbs is tea, here are some of the most preferred types. Here is one easy and healthy infusion for you: Chamomile, peppermint and ginger. Chamomile is good for the stomach and encourages relaxation, peppermint is useful in digestion and to combat headache while ginger has immunity and anti-inflammatory benefits. Just dissolve one teaspoon of chamomile, several fresh peppermint leaves, and a piece of ginger in hot water for 5 to 10 min.

On the subject of storing herbs for later use, nothing beats the use of fresh herbs. To retain the potency dried herbs should be stored in airtight containers preferably glass jars the proper storage place is cool and dry. This activity should therefore be done under close and avoid direct sunlight and humidity which causes the quality of the herbs to deteriorate. Perishable herbs should be lightly soaked in water or wrapped in damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

This article reveals that consuming the herbal tea increases digestion, lower stress, and improve the general well being due to its immune boosting nutrients. Like any other remedy, practice confirms that the more herbal tea consumed on a regular basis, the more beneficial outcome it will have on your overall health.