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RE: Help Me Name My Company

in #business6 years ago

If you're referring to the article which they finally have readable on the site – there's no proof.

In fact, a canny, thoughtful reader will come away from that feeling as though they have been misled.

Oh, sure, they make the assertion that Lori stole tens of thousands of dollars from them. They assert that quite aggressively. They don't actually talk about and what position she must've been to have access to that kind of funds, nor do they actually say that they are going to pursue criminal charges against her – as someone would who had tens of thousands of dollars which, theoretically, would impact day-to-day operations for a media operation would do.

All they do is assert that this bad thing happened, that she did it, that they're not going to tell us what happened, nor are they going to actually use the criminal justice system as it's designed in order to pursue what is not a small amount of money, but instead are just going to mildly smear her reputation.

Does that really, truly, come across to you as a company from which tens of thousands of dollars in operating funds have been embezzled? Seriously, this is a real question. If you come to this sort of announcement and have to judge the truth of it, absent any actual proof in the document itself, absent any engagement with the legal system absent any sort of supporting evidence, do you really come away with belief in complete truth of the accusation?

Because if so, you are probably going to have a very bad time pretty much anywhere. If that is the level of accusation and the support thereof that it requires to convince you of a capital crime, then I have this bridge in San Francisco that I can let you have cheap. While I'm at it, I'll sell you chunks of concrete which I guarantee came from the dynamited alien landing platform at Area 51.

I'm saying you'd be gullible, is what I'm saying. I'm saying your judgment would be more than questionable.

No one has to convince you that they are innocent in the mere presence of accusation. Accusations are cheap and easy. They typically cost the accuser nothing; there is almost no risk for making an accusation. If you are going to put the burden of proof, all proof, on the accused, you have made a decision which is going to end poorly for you in your life going forward.

And that's sad.

I am always willing to look at proof. I love proof. I'm willing to believe proof. I'm also willing to believe that people lie; all people lie. Accusers lie.

An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. We have the claim – but we have no evidence. Get back to me when that happens and maybe we'll have something to talk about.

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