
Just wow dear @ekaterinka ma'am! It's like a beautiful sunny day <3


This post has received a 3.06 % upvote from @boomerang.

Где веселее, на голосе или тут?
У меня тут что-то совсем тишина(((

Тут меня начали флаговать ( На голосе пост где-то от 0.4 до 1 дол. в день. Так что незнаю: и тут и там не очень. Может осенью лучше станет)

За что флаги-то?

За то, что себя апала

А, понятно. Но это мелкие

Флаговали крупные (

Words and photos for the soul


wow such a great picture. feel like calm and very peaceful picture and your photography art is awesom. nice job ekaterinka (64)


most welcome

There is nothing better than observing the wonderful nature. It seems to be a very beautiful place to contemplate so much green 😊

Yes! Thank!

Wowww beautiful veiw


Very beautiful place for walking and refreshing. This place is awesome. Thanks for sharing ma'am @ekaterinka

Thank you!

The effect is very beautiful and we are in harmony with nature, every person.


Beautiful this nature There is a small bison beside the beautiful quiet weather side. It will be great to take rest in that area,

Thank you

wow so beautiful natural place. Everything is silent. thanks for sharing these lovely nature @ekaterinka
