
in #busy7 years ago


the fight of survival starts in humans as early as the struggle to fertilize an egg in the womb, in all our doings we fight. ''' a fight is not a bad thing, its what keep us alive while overcoming the unwanted and preserving the desired''' in other to succeed in every endevour its a fight that is required; we fight in different ways of which some of them we lose and win as well. its not all the fight that we must get involved for most of them are waste of energy and resources. like i said earlier a fight is a good thing; fighting for the right purpose gives motivation even if you lose in the fight you uphold your dignity and value,fighting with the right strategy streghtens hope for victory. the need for survival calls for a fight.
Apollo Creed foght on a ring and earn himself popularity and legacy, Barack Obama fought for the right of all Americans and earned himself a legend, general Gowon fought for the unity of NIgeria and earn us freedom,mary selecor fought for the twin child and reminded us of our common humanity, our soldiers fights with thier life at the borders just to earn us a peaceful nation......etc you can speak of more but above all what are you fighting for. we can all explore the positive side of fight, a fight with purpose, a fight with hope.
the fight for the sake of our tribes [only] brings division,
the fight for selfish sake brings argony and pains
the fight for only our ethnic group brings grief
the fight against corruption promotes econmic productivity
the government that fights for our national dignity give the citizen a nationality
we are all fighter and are all fighting consciously and unconsciously;
for a citizen that ventures into business fight for the national economy
an official that rejects bribes fights against corruption
for a citizen that cultivates the land and rear animals fights for our stomach
you can name them more, we all have our strategy and means of fighting; our clergies fight with thier knees on the ground, our lawyers fights with words as weapons,our officials fights with their dignity, our footballer fights with their football skills.
so we all live to fight