Tommy the little fat boy - Original fiction - children story with a lesson

in #busy6 years ago

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Once upon a time there was a little boy named Tommy.  I am not sure we can call him "little" as Tommy was not the smallest of  children. Tommy was fat. The kids in school made fun of him, and he did not have many friends. During breaks he sat alone at a table gobbling down his food.  None of the children really wanted to play with him. They judged him on the outside, and no one really knew what was going on inside. 

Overall, Tommy only had one friend. Sarah was a little girl and she lived next door to Tommy.  Sarah did not go to the same school as Tommy, as she went to an all-girl school in a town nearby.  Tommy could not wait for Sarah to come home during weekends so that he too, had someone to play with. It never really bothered Tommy to be fat, because at home no one cared, and it was only at school that it bothered him a little.  

When Sarah came home over weekends, she would go over to Tommy's  house, and they would spend hours talking in his room. Sarah knew Tommy's biggest fears and dreams and they shared everything.  She did not care that Tommy was fat.  She saw Tommy for who he really was.  He was kindhearted, loving and would really do anything for anyone....if  they'd only ask.   

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As they grew up, Sarah grew into a beautiful young lady.  She went out with a few boys, and could pick anyone to go out with. Funny enough, she always ended up back in Tommy's room, because he was her best friend. Sarah wanted Tommy to go out and enjoy his life, but Tommy  was still comfortable on his own, and he was not in the mood to be ridiculed all the time, so they came up with a plan.  

Sarah would help Tommy lose weight. Losing the excess weight would mean that Tommy would have more confidence, and then h would be able to go out on a real date.  

In the beginning Tommy really hated it. He was not used to exercise, and he did not really see any reason why he had to lose weight, but he was willing to give it a try because he wanted to please his friend Sarah.  

Over weekends, Sarah would come over very early in the morning before anyone else was awake, and they would go jogging together. During the week Tommy would work extra hard and ran twice as far, just to impress Sarah when she came home.  The change was remarkable.  Soon everybody at school started to see the difference in Tommy.  Tommy suddenly had more confidence and more kids wanted to be friends with him.  

Tommy became quite a popular boy.  Tommy now had all the attention he never really wanted. He just wanted people to accept him for what he really was.  He was so busy that he hardly had any time to see Sarah. Every time that Sarah came to visit, Tommy was not there, as he was always out on a date.   

This made Sarah very unhappy as she missed their long talks over  weekends, and she knew that it was all her doing.  She was the one that wanted Tommy to change. In her heart she knew that it was the best thing for Tommy, but she also knew that if she did not push him to change he would still have time for her.   

What was supposed to be a good thing, turned out to be a bad thing after all.  

Sarah and Tommy stayed friends over the years, but did not see each other frequently anymore, but Sarah would often think of all the times they spent together talking in Tommy's room.  

Tommy became a very famous football player and one day long after they finished school, Sarah went to watch one of Tommy's games. After the game, she went to the locker room to see Tommy. Tommy was very surprised to see Sarah and asked her out on a date that night.  

He was not seeing  anyone at the time and Sarah was also single. That night turned out to be the best evening of their lives. Tommy thanked Sarah for all the motivation and encouragement, and told her that losing weight, really changed his life for the better. 

From that day forward they saw each other regularly and Sarah went to all his games. Sarah never tried to change Tommy again, as she accepted him for what he was.  Many years later, they got married, and until today, they live happily ever after.  

 Moral of the story:  

  • Do not try to change people.  Fat people are people too.  See them for who and what they are.  
  • Motivate others to do good but keep your friends close to your heart.   
  • Always marry your best friend!


I forgot how much I miss reading! This was an awesome story :) I really miss those days when I still went to your class!

Oh and how I miss you!! I am glad to see you are back on steemit. What are you up to these days?

I'm still studying sound engineering, but I'm finished at the end of the year. Then I'm planning on opening my own Record label, or working for one. But Yeah, I'm back on steemit, I couldn't stay away because it reminded me of all those good memories back in class. I also really miss reading, because I don't really get time to read stories. I'm too busy reading about sound. Please carry on writing those beautiful short stories. I will be reading them everyday :)

Have a look at dtube and dlive you can actually add videos of your own and upload the same as youtube. And you earn money! @stefan.steynberg check him out too! He finished with me last year and is also busy with music and stuff.

Excellent story It is important that people accept themselves as they are, but also learn to value true friendship. Who were there when nobody else was. and good advice too hahahaha

Great story with great morals

nice article sir 👍🏻

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