The Complete Guide to is Live on My Website!

in #busy6 years ago

a complete guide to

I announced ~2 weeks ago that I have been working on a new page for my website to feature all the Steem Apps, dApps and interfaces.

On this page, you will be able to navigate to any of the apps of Steem and learn everything you need to know about them.

My goal here is to provide a simple, clean and intuitive interface for learning about the Steem blockchain. My own personal library of Steem knowledge, if you will.

It’s been a lot of work, but I’ve got the first page up and running. I started with, as I believe it’s a logical place to begin.

I would be immensely in your debt if you could head over to the page, take a look and give me some constructive feedback. Any and all feedback (no matter how harsh!) is highly appreciated.

Please note that while my ambition is to create complete guides to each app of Steem, the guides will be an ongoing project. Thus, the Complete Guide to isn’t actually complete.

There will always be new additions and updates. Again, feedback is critical as it will help me refine the message and make it even easier for aspiring Steemians to learn about the amazing apps available on this blockchain.

Alternatively, you can go to the any page on the website and use the top menu navigation to reach this page. Currently, it’s listed under the menu item labeled “Steem” on both mobile and desktop.

I also encourage you to view the site on both mobile and desktop to get a feel for the responsiveness of the site.

As it stands, the website has gotten over 200 visitors and it hasn’t even been live for 1 month yet! It’s a pretty even split with 53% visiting the site on mobile and 47% on desktop.

Next up on my roadmap is to fine tune the "Further Reading" section to have more advanced posts that are related to the app in question (in this case,

Also on the near-term roadmap are the following:

  1. A Complete Guide to the Steem Blockchain (discussing the fundamentals of the Steem blockchain that users should know about... RCs, SP, STEEM, Witnesses, etc etc etc.)
  2. A Complete Guide to every Steem App... This will obviously take a while. I think I will tackle Partiko or Steemhunt after I finish #1. I haven't decided yet.

A few More Screenshots:

Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at 11.07.09 AM.png
(desktop view of the User Guide for

(mobile view of the User Guide for


Once again, please leave any constructive feedback below. Bugs you find, grammar mistakes, concepts that you believe I’ve written poorly… Anything and everything is welcome!

As always, I’ll be rewarding valuable comments. Thank you for your help!

Originally Posted on My Blog. Click Here to Read This Post on My Website!



You should be offering STEEM accounts through your website.

Another thing that can be added is how to find the account keys and which ones to use for each type of task. The use of multiple keys for social media or for cryptocurrency is a paradigm shift for most people.

Great job. Just imagine if everyone had a website like this. That would bring a lot of buzz.

YES! Offering Steem accounts is something that I really would like to do. I’m not entirely sure on the how quite yet. I’ll have to research it some more.

That’s a fantastic idea. I agree, the key system is something that has had many of my friends confused when they got started as well. I’ll add that to the guide. Thanks for the great suggestion 👌🏽

100%. That’s my whole idea with this - more exposure, legitimacy and simple education related to Steem. A lot of this stuff requires countless hours to understand and it’s definitely not located in 1 accessible place. My ambition is to be one of those “places” where you can just shoot a link to an aspiring Steemian and say “here’s everything you need”. Time will tell if I can pull this off. Your encouragement helps more than you know 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will write a How-To tutorial

OK, I wrote the tutorial. No need to research how to make STEEM accounts available .

I wrote this for anyone that wants to sell accounts. You don't have to sell the accounts. You can give them away at-cost or free. It is up to you.

Hey, nice work on the overview, it helped clear up my confusion related to your Brave article where I responded not fully understanding Steemit vs. Steem. Very comprehensive and well laid out. I'm pretty new to this ecosystem so I can't really speak with any authority to what you could improve or may have missed. Clearly you have put a lot of effort into this project, well done. I did have one question for you though regarding upvoting. How do you choose the value ($) that you send with the upvotes, or for that matter when rewarding a comment on a post? Thanks 😊

Hey @steemedman!! I’m really glad I could answer that question for you. I saw a notification for your comment over there but was caught up finishing this post first, I’ll make sure to get over to that soon and answer it more fully for you!

On the contrary, I actually think your point of view is incredibly valuable when it comes to these pages as they are designed with the focus of a new/aspiring Steemian such as yourself! I’ll be coming out with many more pages like this for the different apps of Steem and I look forward to your input ;)

As for choosing upvote amounts, I use Partiko when responding and upvoting both comments and posts. There is a vote slider that shows me what % of my vote is used as well as how much $$ its worth. I arbitrarily choose an amount to upvote a comment such as yours. Typically based on how valuable/relevant it is to the post. I think a lot of authors do the same as many comments on Steem can vary from generic to highly relevant. Hope that helps :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Cool, thanks for the help. I'm using Partiko now, I was using the "Steemit beta" with the Chrome browser on my phone and I never had an option of sliders. When I would click to upvote it just seemed to assign a random $ value, sometimes nothing, sometimes $0.04 etc...that being said I wasn't able to assign a $ value when I upvoted your reply. Maybe I don't have anything to give, I'm not sure right now. It didn't seem to matter what % I used. I'll keep playing with it anyway and hopefully figure it out eventually. Cheers, keep up the good work!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @khaleelkazi this is an excellent initiative. I have started a mentor program to help newcomers to guide them how to use these dApps. We just started with @partiko mentor program first, maybe you want to have a look.

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s so funny that you say that.. I was just reading the @partiko post that mentioned your mentor program!! I have your post saved and can’t wait to read it, I’ll let you know what I think! 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

I see a lot of potential in your website for newcomers, so if we can get mentors of different dApps going, it will change the Steem blockchain to be something more personal and people don't get lost and lose interest.😎🙌

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

@steemflagrewards @abusereports @steemcleaners for bid bot abuse, circle jerking and general fucktardery
You upvote your other accounts errr I mean mates with massive upvotes but your own commenters a couple of cents. What a piece of work

Thank you very much for informing me! I really was lost, is that I am new to this, but of heart thank you. Keep it up.

nice, good work and hard work, thanks

Looking good! keep up the great work!