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RE: It Takes Just A Step To Start

in #busy6 years ago

The first step, first! Very true, and in all aspects of life. Martin Luther had it right.

Lao TZu, the re-known Chinese philosopher alluded to the same, popularly observing that - The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step!

It really is about the first step. Failure to take the first step, i agree, is the undoing of many a person. And the reason many great ideas never see life.

The thing about taking the first step, is that it gives you some sort of LCM, something to build on, a point of reference ...It brings confidence, if especially that first step is a success, and brings perseverance if it doesn't turn out exactly as planned, including the chance to refine it.

No one has it all worked out before starting, trust me. Those who think they have it all worked out from start, often find out they didn't. Time makes sure of that, as does practice.

But of course it is a good thing to have an idea of how far you'd like to go, if up on a journey. Think of it as a vision. There is no harm picturing the last stair, even if you do not yet see it, if anything, it should encourage you to take the first step toward it.

But when all is said and done, it really is all about the first step.

Inspirational @tj4real.


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