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RE: That day I got my ass kicked during Steem Fest

in #busy5 years ago

Fuck!!!! I only just heard about this incident as im now staying in krakow.. Thats well fucked up man!

The first place i went to was alchemia, i always chech what stickers are on the doors from outside and judge the place purely on that, and theres one at alchemia saying in bold letters EQUALITY, so thats where i also have been hanging out mainly for the internet at to drink tea.

Really sounds like chaos that night huh!

I still havent seen any steemit stickers around krakow though as i thought i would do 😁 even though you got a smashed up lip, it could have been much worse without the duckin' and diving that you did 😀
Got a picture of the bouncers to slap on blockchain?

I notice here and its like in some other countrys, if you ask to speak english they all say NO very rudly.. Even the women at the train station ticket office tried to tell me they were closed and didnt want to be helpful..

This country still has mental scars much like in germany, hitler mught be dead(?) but his heart is still alive in a minority. As a guy with dreads, i have been getting looks from people but i dont do nightclubs anymore because you may aswell call them ego clubs and its boring. In uk when i had a shaved head it was even the same just every night was trouble but my home town is notoriously rough for this..

They were definatly just gelous you got a tan i bet!

Im suprised they even commented on latino music and knew that reggaton is hispanic even. A note for the future and something i learn from travels is that if your away from home just get the hint when your not welcome,it saves so much hassle lol!

I will carry my beloved tool with me from now on if i go out drinkin her, im staying another 2 months and have only seen white people, and none of them with alternative styles..

Posted using Partiko Android


Hey! Hit me up on discord and we can chat about it :D

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