What do you know about the chakras?🕉

in #busy6 years ago

In our body there are 7 centers or energy sources that are called chakras. Thanks to these we perceive the subtle energy of the universe. The chakras are represented in vortices and with 7 different colors, each indicating their frequency.

The Image can be seen in the following link: belindagrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Chakra-chart.jpg

All human beings are part of two dimensional planes in which we exist simultaneously. We have the material plane, (physical body) and the energetic plane (subtle body), where the connection of the hormones with the neurotransmitters of the body, allow us to feel in a physical way the emotions coming from the outside, be these negative or positive.

These hormones are created in the endocrine system of the human being (system of organs that secrete hormones into the body), these being the portals that materialize the emotions towards our material body.

The beginning of this theory of human energetic frequencies dates from ancient spiritual philosophies almost prehistoric as is the Hindu and Buddhist, from about 3,000 years ago. Its trajectory begins in all Asia with the influence of these civilizations later adopting in Europe, later in America and all the rest of the world.

At present, although we have all heard about the chakras; There are many people who are unaware of their content and the importance of emotional balance and synchronization with the universe they hold in us.

It happens that when we have some physical or mental illness, it is given because one of our chakras is out of synch, it may be that it lacks energy or sometimes it has too much. Each one has a different function in our body, and together they establish a valuable balance that allows us to live in the Now and develop our connection with the universe. The chakras are:

chakras definitivo.png

  • The Root Chakra (Muladhara); is represented with the color red, is located in the liver, in its function act the emotions of anxiety, physical energy and connection with the earth.
  • Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana); represented with the color orange. It is located in the urinary system, prostate, ovaries, testes. In this act the emotions of sexual energy, creativity, and the ease of accepting changes.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura); is yellow, located in the center of the digestive system and pancreas. The emotion of confidence and self-love acts.
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata) is green, located of course in the heart with the center of the lungs. Its function is to be in harmony with the environment, inner peace and love for others.
  • Throat chakra (Vishuddha); is light blue, located in our throat. Influences the expression and communication towards others.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna); is located in our pineal gland, it is darker blue. This is the connector of our physical body with our subtle body.
  • Chakra chakra (Sahaswara); unlike the other chakras, this is not found in the physical body. It is spirit more than matter. It's related to your purpose in life.

In the next post I will talk about the symptoms of blocking each chakra and how to unblock them. Thanks for getting here


Remember that we are energy that comes from the universe, and that energy is Love.




I didn't read all of it but I definitely like the red one the best.


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