Steem Powered Trip to Ghana: What I learned from the Various Presentations
There were four major presentations during the meet-up. The speakers made some really salient points.
@richforever talked about disruption and @diahbally talked about finding and achieving purpose. I'll just share some of the things I learned during the meet-up. I didn't take notes. Taking notes is important but it doesn't work for me. Especially in meetings like these. I'll rather buy the recordings of the event. These are some of the things that just stuck to my brain somehow.
When you discover the purpose of something, the discipline to do it will come.
@diahbally is a motivational speaker. He is quite popular in Ghana. One thing that just stuck so much during his presentation was his statement on purpose. So many times we take things for granted and it's simply because we don't understand their purpose. If people understood the potential of steemit for instance, they would loose their sleep and Steem their way to liberty. Steemit was designed as a means for the average Joe to secure his liberty.
The way to benefit from disruption is to be the disruptor
Our children will not understand how we could survive without Cryptocurrency just as the children of today do not understand a world without telephones and television.
The financial system is undergoing a revolution. Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies are disrupting conventional banking and now Steemit is distrupting social media and the internet. Do you remember when having a Nokia 3310 was the status symbol of being a rich and up-to-date person? Some people still use those old Nokia phones but you can't compare the value you get from Android phone with those old products.
When didstruption occurs it creates opportunities for the little guy to become big. I always want to know where technology is going so that I can get there first and help everyone else get there and become rich in the process. The big players may be reluctant to take the risk because they have rigid structures and too much to loose if things go south. In a decentralised world there is opportunity for everyone. Everyone gets a chance now. There no queue here.
Steemit is a Phantom
I smile when @ejemai says stuffs like these. The reason is that I understand what he means. I have made more than $10,000 from Steemit and when I think about it. I still find it unbelieveable. I'm lounging in the gold cost and having a fantastic time. It's happening to me but I still find it hard to believe. How do in expect another person to believe it. Lol... So let's just call it a phantom.
It's just too good to be true. Its a fantasy. But we are living it. Perhaps what is seen as a dream is the real reality and we have chosen the red pill and woken up from the matrix.
Thank you for reading.

"I have made more than $10,000 from Steemit and when I think about it. I still find it unbelieveable"
This is quite encouraging to hear.
Amazing development
People must hear about steemit in my geographical location as well as long distance places.
Let's steemit
Wow bro you are growing to quickly, have a safe journey.
Good Job. Well Done
Well done boss. Enjoy your turn around
Hahahaha...see the beauty in surrounding yourself with the right makes you beautiful too...this isnt beautiful,you @tojukaka make it so guys simply play around every single moment and that makes you amzaing...the sense of humuour @ejemai came with was entirely good..l see more good in partnering with you guys to move steemit higher in africa..good work
Yes, 'abundance' is the reality. The scarcity system is just props and decorations and by GOD's grace, we'll help more people wake up from the dream of poverty leveraging amazing platforms like Steemit.
Welldone @tojukaka
Wow, i love this post.
Steem is a phantom, cos i still find it hard to belive. Even those around me still get confused.
Once i tried explaining to a mate he termed steemit 'madness' . But thank God am in a profiting madness.
This is just simply amazing.
Keep going places.
Steemit is bae😀
I will say this is amazing big bro keep it up