California Program Offers Solar to Low-Income Households

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

The Golden State is doubling down on the push for renewable energy, the state just announced its launch of the multibillion dollar program, SOMAH, that gives low-income households solar installations.

Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing aims to ensure equal access to solar energy and reduce low-income household energy bills. Through the state’s cap and trade program, they’ll offer $100 million in incentives for solar roofs, starting this September.

Individuals who live in buildings with 5 or more income-restricted units, where 80 percent of tenants earn 60 percent, or less, of the local median income, can apply.

Last year, 40 percent of California’s energy was generated from solar, and is home to about half of the countries solar energy capabilities.

For more, head over to Progrss.

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