Steemit/Busy Trash Heroes Season #3

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


Hello Everybody

If we want to make some changes, we have to start with our self and we can only hope, that we will inspire more peoples.

Yesterday I was visited our favorite secret beach at South Phuket with my friends @dream.trip and others. This place its far way from main road so rubbish trucks cant go there to collect rubbish. We decide that's its great place to make our next cleaning season #trashheroes.


When you turn from main road on this small dirt road after 150meters you ill arrive on small parking spot on end of the road. There Its small wall with some graffiti and all peoples who coming from the beach just dumping rubbish under the wall.


We get great idea that we can clean all rubbish, repaint whole wall and make it better better..:)
First cleaning and repainting wall took for us about 3 hours include waiting for color be dry.


Between waiting for color will dry we went for some lunch..:)


We also but rubbish bin and make some upgrades on the bin..:) It was very hot day and we don't have best equipment so quality its not best, but we anyway very happy and we hope this will make this place better. All took about 5 hours to finish, we spent about 70USD, but for us its just small invest back to nature..:)


Caute Steemeri

Vcera jsme se s kamarady vydali na nasi nejoblibenejsi plaz na jihu Phuketu. Problem tohohle mista je, ze se nachzi asi 150m od hlavni silnice a tech 150m je z nestabilni sypke vozovky, takze popelari nemaji sanci se tam dostat. Na konci tehle silnice je mini parkoviste od kud uz se musi pesky dale na plaz. Primo na tomhle parkovisti je take stara mala stena/plot u ktere vsichni turiste vyhazuji odpadky. Napadlo nas, ze tohle misto je skvele na udelani naseho dalsiho dilu uklizeni plazi a jeste trosku zviditelnit nasi komunitu. Zabralo nam to celkem asi 5 hodin, utratili jsme okolo 1400czk, ale nam to za to urcite stalo a doufame ze muzem inspirovat ostatni.


nice mate i will join when i m back to Thailand ;)

Thx mate. You are more than welcome in our team..:)

Great see you in December ;)

Great Job, I hope we have more people like you all around Thailand. :)

Palec nahoru ;-)

Wow! great activity. I will join when I go back to Thailand 🇹🇭

Thank you, you are welcome anytime..:)

Do u like in Phuket?
my home is Bangkok.

Yes i like, but only bcz i have here my spots witch are not on the map and even locals dont know about this places much.

Sorry, I misstake
Do u live in Phuket?

Yes i live in Thailand 7 years and last 4 i live in Phuket.


Great works guys!

Thank you my friend..:)

Nice blog of you for steemit👌👌👌

Vypadá to úchvatně.
U nás někteří jedinci se nestydí svůj "bordel" naložit do auta a vyhodit ho za vsí do škarpy nebo u lesa. Říká se, že to dělají hlavně "lufťáci". Při tom tu máme sběrné dvory, kontejnery. Hold asi adrenalin.
Jedna kuriozita:
Někteří jsou tak šikovní, že v tom odhazovaným bordelu nechají i svoji korespondenci se svojí adresou.

Pokud chceme nekakou zmenu musime zacit sami bez ohledu na to jestli to je nas bordel nebo ne.

U nás by to chtělo začít s rákoskou a pěkně přes prsty.

Mno, fotky se mi nechtějí načíst, ale věřím, že jste odvedli poctivou práci :)

Tak to netusim, nam to nacita jak na telefonech tak na pocitacich..:(

Mno, vzhledem k tomu, že Steemit poslední dva dny zlobí a ani ostatní platformy zřejmě následkem toho nepracují úplně stoprocentně se na fotky mrknu zítra nebo pozítří :) Kdo si počká, ten se dočká.

tomu říkám osvěta;-). úklid a ještě propagace, to nemá chybu :-D

Snazime se..;)

save nature and clean nature, your steep is great to live in healthy place and sustain environment for next generation.

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