Welcome To The World Little One!!

in #butterflies7 years ago


Our baby is here!! Welcome to the world little one!!
This Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) egg was laid on February 18, 2018. And exactly 8 days later (2/25/18), it is now hatched. This is the first hatched caterpillar of the 2018 season, and I swear y'all, it was like a real baby being born over here LOL. I was pacing & checking on it every 30 minutes. Then once I saw movement, I knew it was just moments before it would be making its grande entrance into the world. I made the made dash to set up the phone camera, get the dog outside so she doest bark or something in the video, have everything set to start; oh wait, no I don't, I need to set my phone on airplane mode, last thing I need is to get a phone call while our baby is literally eating its way into our lives.....Take a deep breath.......OMG, here it comes!!!!


It only took 6 minutes 12 seconds for this little beauty to steal my heart at the site of it. I am so overjoyed right now, that if I weren't typing this out, I would be jumping up and down and clapping. SQUEEEEEEEEE!! Wooooo Whoooooo! thats all I can think of with verbal excitement y'all LOL. I'm so stoked that butterfly season has officially started here in South Texas!! Yeahhhhhhhhh for butterflies!!
This little one it so tiny! But they grow fast. In just 10-14 days, it will already be in its chrysalis waiting to emerge as an adult. Just so y'all have a size comparison for today, I took a couple pictures with my hand. It's on the dried trendle where my middle finger is. So tiny, but so stinkin cute!!

The Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) is a bright Orange colored butterfly common across many southern portions of the United States. You can find them in most open, sunny habitats, frequently near roadsides, disturbed sites, fields, open woodlands, pastures, parks, and even in your back yard. It is a regular in most butterfly gardens, including those in more urban settings.
The Gulf fritillary produces multiple generations each year. Adults may be found in all months of the year throughout much of South Texas. For our short winters, they will only be in diapause (hibernation) for a few short weeks. The host plant (caterpillar food) for the Gulf Fritillary are Passionfloras.
I'm so excited and feel so blessed to share this experience with y'all. I will keep you posted as it grows, and chat a bit about each stage. For now, i'm going to go put it into the butterfly hatch house, and take some much needed rest from all the excitement. So until next time, Peace, Love, and Butterflies. ✌🏼💝🦋🦋


What a wonderful little creature! Its so cute! Wish I could be there to witness this in action!

You have no idea how long I have waited to get this on video LOL. And it was all possible with the purchase of a $6 lens set for my iPhone. I'm still really super excited LOL Maybe I should drink some Passionflower tea to calm down already LOL.

@thenectarbar do you mind sharing what lens that is. Possibley a link where I could buy one.

I got it at Walmart. It’s a 3pc set. I used the Macro lens for this. It fits on any smartphone. 69CC1BD5-BFFA-4C0F-A7D9-9BE221405FE5.jpeg


But at least you got this on video!