
in #byresteem7 years ago

Hi guys another one i hope you like it
Well this is titled ★she is a ghost★

Read The Story

Am a ghost! I know I am. For the past three years I have been wondering about from street to street without been noticed by any human being except ghosts like me. I have no idea of why am still in the human world, ghosts were suppose to be in heaven after they die not in the human world. It was a boring and tiring moments for me been living on earth as a ghost. So lonely and tiresome.

I don’t have any memory of how I die or what was behind my death because am still young.
I was walking down the street where people were moving about. Some were smiling and chatting with their friends, some were waiting by the bus stop for the next bus. While some were walking up and down the street. It obvious they didn’t notice me as some people even went through me while walking.
When I got to the bus stop, among the people standing by the road side, I saw a little boy staring at me. I stopped staring back at him. The boy should be around 11 to 12 years of age. He looks so dirty and rough. He can’t possibly see me except if he’s a ghost. I wonder if he saw me or was just staring at something else. ”Can you see me?”I asked him. He wasn’t responding all he did was kept staring at me. I moved closer to him and bent a little to look at him closely ”can you really see me?”I asked waving my hand before his eyes. He blinked and stared off. “Yes I did. And so?”he replied.
He can really see me? Why? Is he a ghost? An alien?. What exactly is he? ” I thought to myself looking at him strangely. “Wow. You saw me. You really saw me. Am so happy you saw me.”I said smiling and jumping up happily. He looked at me and made a dull face ”yes I can see you because am a ghost also”he said looking at me. He started moving leaving me behind.

I stood there staring at him as he left ”what the hell was that? I was happy for no reason. He’s a ghost too. Am older than you. Don’t be so rude to me like that”I said looking at him as he left.

“Yeah it’s normal for ghosts to see ghosts. But why can’t a single human see me? Why? I thought some human has the ability to see ghosts. Why is it so hard to find one? Where are they all hiding?”I said sadly looking around. “Why am I still on earth? I should disappear from this world if I have nothing to do with this humans. I got so lonely and sad everyday. What’s my purpose for still staying on this lonely earth? Someone should tell me from up there”i yelled on top of My voice looking up at the sky. Thunder struck from the sky with lightning like its going to rain soon. As i heard the sound of thunder from the sky, i quickly bent down dodging beside a bench. I peeped slowly looking up to the sky ”wow that really scared me. was i too loud? Was he angry at me? You guys have to go easy on me. You can’t kill me twice OK?”i said looking up. After a while, i stood up from where I dodged then continue walking heading to an unknown destination.

John’s POV

I was taking pictures of a pretty model artist. She was so hot and beautiful. I promise myself to have her pin after we finish shooting all the pictures,Then hook up with her later.

From my personality and attitudes towards ladies, You can call me a player. Am so handsome and smart. Ladies of this company were dying over me because of my amazing good looking face and body. Because of my look and appearance, I took the advantage to play with ladies all I like. Every girlfriend I have can only last for a week or less than that. No matter how pretty she is. After playing with them, I dumped their a-s off and go for another new hot girl.

After shooting for 30minutes, I asked for five minutes break before we resume back. “Let’s take five minutes break”I said leaving the scene while handing over the camera to Sam, my personal assistant.

He viewed through the pictures I have taken and smiled at me raising his thumb finger at me. That shows a sign of an excellent job. Tina brought a bottle of water to me with a face towel to dry my sweats. “Here sir”she said stretching them to me. I received the bottle water and drank from it, leaving the remaining on the table by my side. I kept staring at Debbie the model I just finished shooting her photos. She caught my eyes and was smiling in a seductive way. I smiled back winking my eyes at her. She smiled more covering her mouth with her fingers. “Wow. You fell for me already? I think that makes it so easy for me”I thought to myself smiling at her.

After I finished all the photo shoots, the director and everyone started to round up everything to leave.

Tina came to me and started drying my sweats with the towel she was holding. “That was a perfect job. You’re the best”she said smiling. “Of course I am”I said still staring at Debbie. Tina traced my gaze and smiled. “You like her too?”she asked as she withdrew the towel from my face.

I looked at her not replying. “Go to Sam and help him pack up OK”I said smiling while holding her shoulders. I left her and moved to where debbie was standing. Immediately Debbie saw me, a smile formed up on her face. I got to her smiling also. “You look most beautiful of all woman today.”I said looking at her. “Really? Wow am so happy to hear that”she said smiling. I can see she’s blushing by now.

“It’s time to leave”a lady said looking at us from afar. “Oh so sad I have to leave now”Debbie said looking at me. I dipped my hand into my pocket and brought out a pen. I took her hand and wrote my phone number on her arm. She smiled looking at me shyly. I kissed her soft lovely hand and left her to go. “I promise to call you soon”she said before leaving to meet others.

I was staring at her sexy back view as she walks. the fitted gown she wore glued to her body showing her amazing curve. Her hips swayed to each side as she walked. I kept staring at her smiling to myself. “Let’s see how long you’ll last.”I said and also left the scene.

When it’s 7:30pm, I prepared to leave the company to my house.

After I finished viewing through some pictures and making an adjustment were they went bad, I stood up from the seat taking my car key with me. I left the office and headed to my car in the compound.
I was driving on the highway feeling happy about today’s work and thinking about my next target Debbie. I was smiling happy while driving. I noticed my car was acting strange. I decided to pull over and check what’s wrong with it. After pulling over, I came down from the car to check what’s wrong with it.

I opened the bonnet although I have no idea of what to check or where to touch. I shut the it angrily which caused a loud sound. “What the f--k is wrong with you? Why do you have to do this to me now?”I said looking at it. I checked my wrist watch and saw the time is almost 8:00pm. It’s dark and getting late already. I took my phone and dialed Sam’s number to come and pick me up from the place I told him the location and described the place. Immediately I told him, he said he’s on his way. I got a bit relieved and started walking from end to end waiting for him to arrive.

Stella’s POV

I was walking down beside the road roaming about as usual. I saw a guy standing by a red spot car. He looks amazingly good looking. From his facial expression, I can see he’s bothered by something. I stared at him for a while admiring his handsomeness. “Don’t be a stupid girl. Snap out of it. You’re a ghost not a human. He can’t even see you.”a voice said in my head. “Yes. Who cares if he’s bothered or not? Let me just go way and ignore him”I said walking towards him.

But he stopped as I got closer. I wanted to go to the other side through him, but he moved to the sideavoiding me. I stopped and looked up at him. “Why? Can you see me?”I asked looking at him. But he was not looking at me, he was staring at somewhere else. I moved to his front and tried to go through him again. He moved to the side avoiding me. I did it again and he avoided me again. I did it over and over and he also repeated the same thing. I looked up at him wondering what he’s doing. Does he see me? Why is he avoiding me? I thought to myself looking at him. I decided to touch his face maybe he can notice that too.

I raised my hand up slowly looking at him. He stood still not looking at me. When I almost touch him, he looked down at my face angrily ”why do you guys like doing this to me? can’t you just leave me alone and go your way!”he yelled at me in frustration and anger. I got so shocked and surprised looking at him. He can really see me. He just spoke to me. For the past three years, someone just noticed me. “I thought to myself as he was staring straight into my eyes with his bright charming eyes.


I kept staring at him not knowing what to say. Am happy he can see me but one side of me was sad because he’s mad at me. I don’t really care about that. All that matters to me was that a human just saw me for the past three years. It seems so shocking to me.
I moved back a bit facing him ”you saw me? You can really see me. Am so happy you do see me. I don’t know what to do right now. You’re such a special being. It’s good to meet you”I said smiling happily. He doesn’t look good staring at me. He places his hands by his waist staring at me badly. “And so? So if I can see you what does that have to do with me? We have no business together so disappear from my sight”he said in a little harsh voice. I felt so bad by what he just said. He moved from my sight walking out on me. I tried to touch him although I know that’s not possible because I can’t touch human but when I tried it, I can really feel his body with my hand. My hand touched his arm lightly but he already walked pass me. I looked at my hand then looked back at him in surprise. I can touch him. I can feel it with my hand. Could this be real? I asked myself looking at him. I want to try it again maybe it was real.

So I walked behind him and placed my hand on his arm. To my surprise it works. I can feel his warm body with my hand. I thought to myself smiling. He turned and looked at my hand then looked at my face. “Who the hell do you think you are to place those dirty hands on me?”he said looking annoyed.

Why is he so angry? I never done anything wrong to him. Why is he treating me like a trash? ”I thought to myself as I withdrew my hand from his arm slowly. “Am sorry for that. But why are you treating me this way? Did I do anything wrong to you?”I asked looking at him. He moved closer looking straight into my eyes. “Because I don’t want to see you. I want to live a normal life. Must I see you ghosts everyday. I mean why must you disturb me? why me of all people? I don’t want to see you. Get lost!”he said looking so annoyed and angry.

A car horned from the road side which got him to looked back at it. A young guy came down from the car and started walking towards us. He got to us and started looking around in confusion. “[/b]I thought you were with someone.

Why were you so loud? And who were you talking to?”the guy asked still looking around. “It’s nothing. I was talking to someone on phone”he replied raising his phone up. “Alright. Let’s leave this place it’s late and cold. Am scared a ghost might pop out to us”the young guy said rubbing his shoulders. He left for the car while the handsome guy walked behind him. When he got to the car and was about opening the door, he looked back at me with an unknown expression before opening the door. The car drove down the high way. I stared at it till it was out of sight. I sighed to myself looking around the dark area. “What should I do now? Since he’s the only human that can see me, I need to be around him maybe he can help me find the cause of my death. I really need his help but he’s too hard to talk to.”I said looking sad. I looked at the red sport car and smiled to myself. “Looks like am gonna see him again.”I said smiling. I moved to the side of the car and went inside through the door. I sat down on the seat comfortably leaning my head back with a smile on my face.

John’s POV.

Sam was driving the car while I sat quietly not saying a word since we left the scene. My mood was ruin because of the ghost girl I saw earlier. Sam noticed this and asked what went wrong with me. “Why are you so Moody and sad? Do you have a bad conversation with the person you called? It’s rear to see this expression”Sam said. “I also don’t know why am like this. I just felt bad for no reason.”I replied not looking at him. “That’s so strange”he said looking at me. “You’ll have to to pick up my car tomorrow morning after the repair”I said. “Alright”Sam replied.

After 10minutes drive, we got to my house. I got down from the car and waved him goodbye. “Drive carefully and don’t forget to come early tomorrow. We’re having another photo shoot by 8am tomorrow.”I said looking at him from the window. “Okay. Goodnight”he said. I left after he drove our of my compound.

I headed towards the gate and unlocked it. I got to the living room and went straight to the fridge to drink some water. My living room was not that wide. It looks so neat and well set. The walls were painted with my best colour Pure white. While the couch, center table, rugs, cottons and the rest were in blue colour.

I walked to the fridge and took water from it. After drinking, I threw the bottle in the waste bin beside the fridge and headed straight to my room.

I got to my room and la!d tiredly on the large sofa. My room was a medium size room.

It has pictures and some stickers on the wall.

It really looks like an high school student room by looking at it. It looks so rough because I was too lazy to tidy it up this morning. Clothes and underwear were flung at each angle of my room. It looks messy and rough.

My mind flashed back to when I saw the ghost girl. The more I look at it, she looks so familiar to me. Who’s she? I think I have seen that face somewhere before. Where is that?”I thought to myself looking so worried and confused.


The more I tried to remember, the more I got more confused about it. “Well I might have seen her as a ghost somewhere before. Let’s just forget about her and get some sleep”I said turning to the other side.

I was already dozing off when the ringtone of my phone pierced so loud into my ear. “Ooh seriously who is calling by this time?”I asked reaching my hand for it by my side. I brought it close to my face and saw an Unknow number. I guess it must be Debbie. I answer it and placed it to my ear.

Stella’s POV

I was walking up and down around the car waiting for him to arrive. I waited and waited but he didn’t come for his car. After a while, a car packed by the road side. I was so happy he showed up at last. I waited patiently looking at the door expecting him to get down. But to my disappointment, it was a man that got down from the passenger seat. After he got down, the young man I saw yesterday also came down from the driver’s seat. I moved to the car and stated peeping through the window maybe Mr handsome is still inside but no one was their. I moved to them looking sad ”where’s Mr handsome? Uhn. Why is he not coming?”I asked looking at both of them.

“Here is the car”the young guy said to the man. The man went to the car and opened the door. He started the engine. After a while, he got down from the car and faced the young man. “There’s nothing wrong with this car. It’s working perfectly”the man said looking at him. “Really? This is so strange”the young man said scratching the back of his head. ” I thought he said it was acting bad yesterday”the young man said looking confused. “Nothing is wrong with it.”the other man said. “OK thanks. Sorry for stressing you”the young man said looking at him. “Oh am ok. Bye”the man said smiling. He left with the other car while the young man was still looking at the car. I moved closer to him looking sad. “Hey. Where’s Mr handsome? Why’s he not here? Please I need to see him”I said looking at him. He did notice me so he couldn’t hear any of my words. He wanted to go to the driver’s seat but I followed him again asking him all sorts of questions even though he can’t hear or see me.

“Please just hear me out this once. I need to see Mr handsome.”I said following him. When he was about to open the door, I moved closer to his ear and blew soft air in his hear. He jacked back touching his ear. “What was that? It felt like someone just made a cold breath in my ear”he said looking around. I was standing before him but he can see me. “Here. Am right here. Please look at me”I said jumping up and waving my hand before him. After he looked around for a while, he opened the door and went in.

“Ooh. Please don’t leave me.”I said looking at him through the window as he started the engine. He drove the car slowly then moved to the highway. “What should I do? I have to see Mr handsome”I said feeling impatient. I closed my eyes and disappear from where I stood then reappear in the car sitting at the back seat. The young man was playing a song which was so loud. He was driving and singing along with the music.
“Oh my ear. It’s so loud. Please lower the volume”I said blocking my two ears with both hands. But he kept moving his head to the beat of the song singing excitedly.

John’s POV

30 minutes before the photo shoot would start, I was in Debbie’s car. Only the two of us. The director and others were at the studio doing whatever they have to do before we’ll start the shoot. She looks more pretty this morning. “You look like an angel. So beautiful like a queen”I said in a romantic voice. She smiled on hearing that. “Thanks for that. You’re also hot. So charming and romantic”she said smiling. “Wow. It’s first time a lady would tell me this. You’re so special from all the woman I know. You’re the most pretty girl In the world to me. Am telling you the truth right now”I said smiling. She laughed a little looking at me. “Am so happy to hear that. You’re so cute”she said hitting my shoulder lightly. I looked at her face for a while smiling at her. “Your eyes looks pretty. Your nose looks so perfect. And your lips….”I stopped looking down at her glossy pink lips. I used my thumb to wipe the corner of her lip ”the lips gloss is too much. Should I reduce it for you?”I asked in a romantic voice. Her cheek turned red as she continue smiling. I looked at her eyes then looked down at her lips. I smiled to myself and leaned closer to kiss her. She was also ready for it that she closed her eyes slowly expecting the kiss from me. That gave me more chance as I leaned more closer to her lips. Our lips hardly crushed when the ring tone of my phone distracted us from the kiss. I quickly went back to my seating position and took my phone. I looked at her face ”Answer it” she said smiling. It was Sam. I think he’s here already. I thought to myself as I took the call. “Hello. Am here”Sam said. “OK. I’ll join you now”I said to him. I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket. “I think I need to go for now. I’ll call you after the shoot. Can you hang out with me tonight?”I asked her. “Hmm. Let me check the remaining of my schedule for today. I’ll call you when I do that.”she replied. “Ok bye”I said smiling. I got down from her car and headed to where sam packed the car. When I looked at him from afar, I can see he was not alone. A girl was standing beside him looking around.

I got to them and saw it was the ghost girl. Immediately I saw her, I pretended as if I didn’t see her. “Oh you’re here so fast.”I said looking at sam. “Yeah. He said nothing is wrong with your car so I brought it back”he said looking at me. ”Really? OK. Thank you”I said.

By now, the ghost girl was before me “hy. Please I need your help. Can you hear me out for once?”she asked looking at me. “Let’s go”I said to Sam. Me and Sam started heading towards the studio. “Please stop ignoring me. Hear me out please. I promise not to disturb you”she said following us.

Stella’s POV

I was pleading him to give me audience but he refused to look at me or do as if he can hear me. “Mr handsome can you hear me please?”I asked walking behind him.

After a while, I followed them to a place. The place was beautiful. It looks like they were about to shoot film or shoot some photos their. People were there doing different kind of things. Two ladies were putting some makeup on for a lady. I guess she’s a model by the way she dressed. I moved around the place looking at some things and others. As I moved about looking at the place, I saw a picture on the wall and stopped. The more I look at it,my head started spinning like I want to remember something by looking at the guy in the picture. I placed my hand on my forehead as my head started acting strange. a memory flashed into my head.


“Please spear me I promise not to tell anyone about this”a girl’s voice said. “It’s too late dear. Maybe that will be your next life. Am sorry OK. I love you bye”a guy said. He stabbed the girl with the dagger he was holding and I head a great plash of water.
I came back to my senses wondering what just happened. The faces were not clear. The memory was so blur that I was only hearing there voices.

“What just happened? Whose memory was that? Who are they?”I said looking confused. This never happened to me for the past three years I’ve been wondering about in this world. I felt really strange.

Could that girl crying be me? Was I murdered? Who’s the guy that stabbed the girl?”I asked myself many questions I was not able to answer.


I stood there staring at the picture. After a while, I remembered I have to be with Mr handsome. I looked back and started searching for him looking around the place. I saw him standing among those people, holding a camera in his hand. I walked slowly towards him smiling.

I stood beside him as he walks around from one place to another. “Is this where you work? Wow it’s so pretty and cool here.”I said looking around.

Few minutes later, the photo shoot started. The lady looks so beautiful as she did different poses in different fashion of dresses and shoes. I was standing beside Mr handsome looking at him as he was taking the pictures. By looking at his face, I could tell he like her by the way he smiles while taking the pictures. “I can see you had a crush on her. It’s OK you’re also a man you can fall for her. You can’t hide that”i said looking at him. He looked at me then concentrated back on the camera. Wow. He could hear that of all what I’ve been saying to him since. I thought to myself folding my arms together.

“Well. She’s so pretty. Am so jealous of her”I said nodding my head.

“Good thing you’re not blind”he said under his breath thinking I won’t hear him.

After the the photo shoots, he went to sit down on a chair. And I followed him standing beside the table. A girl brought a bottle water and a towel. He received the bottle from her and opened the top. “You did a great job.”she said smiling. “Oh thanks. You guys should rest also. I have to meet someone by 12pm so, I won’t be around then. You guys should finish the rest OK?”he said standing up from the chair. “Yes sir”the lady replied.

He went to the other young guy and whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head in agreement saying OK.

Mr handsome left the studio walking down the passage. I followed him gently without his knowledge. When he got to the compound, before he could get to his car, he pressed a remote to unlock it. He opened the door and sat down pulling out the seat belt. He stopped and was looking around. He peeped through the window then looked behind him. I can tell he was looking for me. I was at a corner looking at him as he does all this. When he couldn’t find me, he took a deep breath wiping his face with his palm.

I smiled to myself looking at him. “Don’t be relieved. Am not gone yet”I said smiling. When he fasten the seat belt, and was about driving, I disappeared from where I was hiding and reappeared beside him. He quickly stepped on the break looking at me in shock. “Ooh. You really scared me”he said looking at me.

“Were you looking for me? Why? Do you miss me?”I askec looking at him.

“What? Stop popping out like that scaring people around with your ugly face OK”he said. “You don’t have to be scared. It’s not you first time seeing me. Are you really scared of ghosts?”I asked looking at him. “What’s she saying? Am not scared of them. I just don’t like seeing ugly ghosts popping our of nowhere. They’ll look like a demon to me.”he said as he drives the car slowly out of the compound. “Really? So you’re not scared of me?”I asked. “Am not. I can’t be scared of you. You don’t even look scary”he replied. “That means am not an ugly ghost then? Since you’re not scared of me. Am a sexy ghost not an ugly one”I said smiling. On hearing that, he started laughing out loud. I wonder what he’s laughing about. I didn’t say anything funny. “What’s she saying?. Sexy ghosts?”he repeated and continue laughing. He almost bump into a car but quickly turn the staring to avoid it. “You have to be careful if you don’t want to end up with other ugly ghosts”I said looking at him.

“So you mean there are sexy ghosts? That’s so funny. I have never heard of that before. You’re not even a pretty ghost”he said still smiling. I feel good to see him smile. He looks so cool and calm.

John’s POV

As I was still talking and laughing at what the ghost Girl just said, a call came in and I took it. My expression changed immediately I saw the caller. It was my dad. I first hesitated to pick it but I took the call and placed the phone to my ear. He said he wants us to meet me at his office right now because he wants to have a meeting with everyone. I dropped the phone beside me after the call. I hate sitting down and talking with him. I don’t like him and I don’t feel happy anytime we’re together. But since it’s a family meeting, I have to show up. I was not the his first child. I have step brother and I have sisters also. He got married to three wives. Nathan was his first son. He’s two years older than me. While am three years older than Mary his younger sister. And Julie was the youngest wife’s daughter. She’s just 16 this year. Nathan’s mother was the first wife he married. She made life like hell for me and my mother when I was still young. She’s so scary and wicked.

Even when father married the youngest wife, she hired gang to beat her up and destroy the pregnancy she’s having. She was rescued before they could do anything worst to her. Even though my dad knows she was the one who did it. He never confronted her or make any case on it. She’s so scary than demons or ghosts. I blamed my mum for getting married to my dad. But what can I do about it? It’s done already. Am one of Williams family. I don’t like engaging myself with family issues or about his companies. I like living a simple life and free from their problems. He has the biggest company in the state. He has so many companies and houses. But I disguise myself from Williams family. No one knows am Williams in my company. Even when I was still in school, no one knows am James Williams son.

I hid my identity from people. Unlike my other brother Nathan. He boast about it and spend money like s--t when he was in school. We’re not close at all. We hate each other ever since we were kids. We never act like real brothers even though we still have the same father. Mary was the only one who was close to me. She likes me and love hanging around me everything in school. She once told me she wished we were not siblings. She would have love to have me as her boyfriend. I took that as a joke the day she said that.

Back to my car.

I frowned my face on hearing he’s having a meeting with us. I have to go just to avoid his nagging. I made a U turn and went back heading to the company.

When I got there, I packed my car at the garage then got down and walked towards the door. I entered the big company and make my way towards his office. “Why are you not looking good? Are you angry at something?”the ghost girl asked following me behind. I ignored her heading to the elevator. When I got to the elevator, I pressed the button and it opened. Who I saw there left me with shock and surprise. But I hid it not letting it show on my face. He smiled nodding his head at me. But I kept on the straight face looking at him. “Long time no see”he said putting on a fake smile. We both were staring at each other awkwardly while I still stood at the entrance blocking the elevator from closing.


He diverted his attention back to Mr handsome smiling. “It will be good to see you around. So let’s be good to each other from now on OK?”he said stretching his hand for a shake. Mr handsome was staring at him with bad looks. “It’s so painful that won’t be possible because I refuse to work here. I have my own job am not interested in what he said earlier. So, stop every naughty thoughts you have in your head”he said looking at him. The guy laughed out looking at him. “Why? Are you afraid of anything? Come on Bro.”he asked looking at him. He moved closer to his ear making a serious face. “I’ll also be happy if you do that. Live like this for the rest of your life”he said almost in a whisper.

“What an evil guy.”I said looking at him badly. I could see how Mr handsome tightening his fist in anger. The bad guy tapped his shoulder lightly with a smile on his face ”goodbye bro. We’ll meet again”he said and left. I moved to mr handsome side feeling pity for him. “How could he say that to you? He’s really a bad and evil human being. Don’t be annoyed by that OK?”I said feeling bad. He didn’t say anything to me or did as if he heard me. He walked towards the elevator still looking angry.

“He’s not in a good mood again”I said looking sad also. I disappeared and followed him.

John’s POV

When I got home, I called father and told him am not interested in the post he gave me. I told him am OK working and living on my own. But he refused to agree with that. He nagged and shouted on phone. He said i can’t live my life the way I want it if I can’t live as his own son. He can never let any of his child look like beggar. He even threatened to destroy the company am working for if I continue acting on my own. I told him I don’t care whatever he’ll do I can never work in his company.

He got more angry and his noise became louder on phone. After the call, I was so down I don’t know what to do next. He’s capable of doing all what he said on phone. I don’t want innocent people suffering just because of me.

But I never want to depend on his money or engage myself with his companies.

I sat down on my bed looking annoyed. I threw the phone on the bed beside me. Few minutes later, as I was about standing up, a call came in again. I saw it was roseline, the last wife calling. I picked it and places it to my ear. She said dad called her and told her everything I said. Since she’s the closest to me ever since my mum died. So dad told her to talk to me about the matter if she doesn’t want to see me regret it later. She asked us to meet up at her place which I told her it’s OK. She hung up the call after we finished the. Conversations.
I dropped my phone beside me looking more angry. “How could he tell her about it so fast? I don’t have think it’s a must I work for him. Why is he threatening me?”I thought to myself. I stood up and picked my car key heading out of my room. Immediately I got out, the ghost girl appeared beside me. “Where are you heading to? Should I follow you?”she asked walking beside me. Due to my anger, I was not able to reply or look at her. I went straight to my car and unlocked it. I sat down and fastened the seat belt. She also got in, sitting beside me.

At Mrs roseline house.

We sat down opposite to each other in the living room. Julie was not back from school yet. Mrs roseline sat in way she was crossing her legs with a glass of wine in her hand. “Am so happy you came. Thanks for the honour and respect you showed me”she said placing the glass on the table.

“Why do you reject the offer? You know I always support you in everything you do but this time, I can’t accept this”she said looking at me. “I know. What I want is freedom. I want to be free from my father’s shadow. Am happy living alone all by myself. Entering the company could take away the little happiness I have now. I don’t want to end up like my mother. I have to protect myself and live freely as she taught me”I said looking at her. She laughed heuristically after I said this. I wonder why she’s laughing.

She stopped and looked at me. “My dear you’re funny. You’re still behaving childish. That’s not a good reason. You have to stop acting weak. I expected you to fight for your rights and position as the second child of James Williams. I know it’s a battlefield that’s why you have to face the worst parts of it just to win and get to the top.

Many challenges will come your way but you have to overcome it. Am telling you this just because I cherish you like my real son.

John it’s time to break out of your weak shell. Do you plan to live like a beggar for the rest of your life? It’s time to wake up from those false dreams. It’s time to stand up and fight for yourself.”she said looking serious. I was short of words, I don’t know what to say anymore. After some minutes, I finally replied to what she said. “I understand how you feel. And I know what am saying. Maybe I’ll think about it and give you feed back later”I said looking at her. She smiled nodding her head in agreement. “I’ll take my leave then”I said standing up. When I turned to leave, I saw the ghost girl standing behind me. She heard all what we just said. With the looks in her eyes, I could see she felt pity for me. “Drive carefully”Mrs roseline said. I walked towards the door ignoring the ghost girl. When I got to my car at the garage, she popped out from nowhere and stood beside me. “Am sorry for listening to your conversations.”she said. I ignored her not saying anything. “But I think what she said is truth. By looking at her, I could see she want the best for you. You have to follow her words, And for the lost of your mother…..”

“Did I ask of your opinion? Why does it have to concern you? Don’t butt into my private life. You don’t have the right to pity me OK?”I said looking at her.

“I know you don’t need my opinion but I just feel like telling you this. I think you have to follow her advises. If you continue acting stubborn, it might hurt people close to you. You have to obey what your father want if you want to keep everything you have”she said with a serious expression. “You don’t know anything about this so don’t just open your mouth and say whatever you feel like. I know what am saying, I know what am avoiding. I feel happy living on my own without being bothered by anyone. I have to avoid some things just to live a longer and happy life.”I said to her.

“Fool! How could you say that? If you keep avoiding it, it will hurt you more. you might end up regretting your actions later in future. You have to face it just to overcome it. Stop being a coward. If you continue like this, your mother might curse you later in her grave. You’re acting childish as she said earlier. Your father want the best for you” the ghost girl said looking at me. I was so angry to hear her say that. I think she went too far with her words. I was staring at her badly. “Get lost!”I said looking at her angrily. “I know that’s the worst you could say. But it won’t change anything at all. I just felt pity for you that’s all”she said again sounding more annoying to me. My temper was becoming uncontrollable by now. “I said get lost. What right do you have to pity me? I don’t need that from you OK? You look more pitiful than I because you’re nothing but a ghost. Go away from me. Why do you follow me around saying rubbish with that mouth? I don’t want to see you again. So, Stop hunting me. Was I the one that killed you?”I asked looking at her angrily.

She stared at me for a while with an unknown expression written on her face. “That’s true. You were not the one that murdered me. I think you could say that because you don’t know how valuable it is to be a human. You were seen by people you love and they could also see and talk to you. You were never as lonely as I am. The reason I was following you was because, I thought you were the right person to save me from my lonely days. I came to you because I thought you could help me.
Do you know how hurt and lonely it is to walk alone not being noticed by people for three years? You never experienced that because you’re still using your chances as a human. Have you forgotten you would also end up like me one day? You don’t have to judge me badly because am a ghost. I was once a human like you. I was saying all that to you because I care and I want the best for you. But it seems like you’re not ok with it.

It’s OK. I’ll get lost just like you said.

I won’t bother you anymore from now on.

I think I was mistaken for me to think you can help me.”she said looking sad. I felt really bad after hearing all what she said. I now feel like a bad guy by her words. I think I went too harsh on her. I felt so sorry towards her because I never knew she was this miserable than I.

Before I could say a word, she disappeared into the thin air. I started looking around hoping for her to come back.

To be continued
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