Revised Charter of Rights and Freedoms

in #canada7 years ago

hey everyone, In my spare time I've been working on a draft for a new charter of rights and freedoms (canada) as i feel ours is currently inadequate. This is just a draft. Feel free to contest or add anything you like. together we will make a difference, maybe. this is mostly just for fun at this point. enjoy. comment your thoughts.

Charter of rights and freedoms draft 3

All laws must be adhere to the following rights and freedoms. No law in violation to the following is valid.

  1. Freedom of speech
    Everyone has the right to freely speak and express opinions, criticize person(s) and/or group(s) including but not limited to the government. Everyone possesses the irrevocable right publicly speak their mind or convey any idea they wish without fear of government censorship or punishment. Applies both on and off the internet(s) and applies universally in the entire state .

  2. Access to information
    Everyone has the right hear/view the uncensored and unedited speech/expression as (stipulated in the first right of the charter)
    The government cannot in anyway impede a private citizen form obtaining any kind of information or accessing the internet.

  1. The Right to Privacy
    Every Citizen has the right privacy on there own private property. The government cannot intercept, read or listen in on any private message between two people, actively monitor or otherwise spy on any citizen unless that individual citizen is suspected for a valid reason of intent to commit a crime in the near and predictable future.

  2. The Right of self Defence
    Every Person Living on Canadian soil has the right to defend themselves with up to lethal force if they feel that their life is in immediate danger. Applies everywhere.

  3. The right to keep and bare Arms
    Firearms or other weapons (yet to be invented) are necessary to keep and uphold personal freedoms, defend one’s self and property as well as deter invasion from hostile states. For the above reasons as well as recreation, Citizens over the age of 18 can purchase, keep, transport and if necessary use small arms including but not limited to firearms, bladed weapons or other projectile based weapons to be invented in future years. The only circumstance in witch this right doesn’t apply to an individual citizen is if a) they are proven to be mentally unstable and dangerous. Or B) they have committed a serious crime in the past.

  1. The right to be secure against unwarranted search and seizure.
    Every citizen is legally secure against unreasonable search of private property or seizure of personal belongings/property by any form of government entity.

  2. Voting Rights
    Every Citizen over the age of 15, regardless of criminal past or mental stability has the right to vote in all federal elections. Even if a citizen is currently incarcerated they will be given an opportunity to vote, if they wish to do so.
    All votes must be conducted physically. The government cannot issue any vote digitally or electronically in order to keep the voting process free of fraud or hacking.

  1. Arrest rights and prison
    Upon arrest a citizen is to be informed why they are being arrested and what specific laws they have broken. Once arrested a person has the right to contact legal council and/or family members. Any person(s) also have the right to be tried in an efficient and timely manner by a jury of their peers. If found guilty a person has the right to humane treatment within the prison system and access to clean water, clean air, a bed and at least enough food to survive.
  1. Body rights
    Every indivual citizen’s body is subject to the 6th right. They cannot be unreasonably searched and seased. A individual person has the right to change their body in any way they see fit. They also have the right choose and be aware of the effects of anything they consume, including but not limited to vaccinations. No Citizen can be forced to consume anything, including but not limited to vaccinations.
  1. Internet Rights
    All Canadians have the right to a free and uncensored internet. The Internet is not to be restricted or censored in anyway by the government unless a crime such as illegal distribution of copyrighted or illegal content (such as child pornography) is actively being committed, then the government can punish, but not restrict access from the private, individual citizen who has committed the crime(s).
  1. Democratic rights.
    All Citizens of Canada have the right to contact, and be heard by members of government as well as peacefully protest or petition the government.

  2. Mobility rights
    All Canadian citizens have the right to enter, stay in and leave Canada, provided that they are not being detained or are currently incarcerated for a crime.

  3. Business rights
    All Canadians have the right to start a business and or look for work anywhere in Canada. Businesses can deny services to anyone for any reason provided the business is not government run.

  1. Equality
    Everyone, No matter Race, religion or sex is to be treated equally by the government. All rights and all laws apply equally to everyone living on Canadian soil.

only a draft. please comment anything you think should be added.

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