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RE: Cancer is a business and nature is the witness.

in #cancer7 years ago

1 MORE I'm tired and this also upsets me!

The chemo that maintains tumors!

An article published in late November 2012 in the journal Nature Medicine by the Inserm team led by François Ghiringhelli (Inserm Unit 866 “Lipids, Nutrition and Cancer”) in Dijon, France said that two chemotherapy drugs commonly used to treat cancers can promote the development of cancerous tumors !!!

Both drugs are 5-fluorouracil and gemcitabine used in the treatment of colon, breast and pancreas cancer.

The tumor stimulation mechanism is the following:

First, they activate a protein complex called the “inflammasome NLRP3″ within certain cells of the immune system.

Then, this activation results in the release by these cells of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin IL-1beta.

Finally, this cytokine induces the production of another cytokine (IL-17 cytokine) that has protumorale properties promoting tumor angiogenesis, that is to say the tumors’ vascular irrigation.

The longer you take these drugs, the more your tumor is irrigated by blood vessels. Well fed, it grows faster.

Yet, what is the researchers’ conclusion? Perhaps “urgently stop using this “anti-cancer”medicine that actually develops cancer”?

No, not at all: according to a systematic medical principle, it is necessary, according to them, to find a new drug to give patients on top of these chemo Products:

“Our results have identified that the activation of the inflammasome limits the antitumor efficacy of chemotherapy. The challenge was then to see if we could prevent the activation of the inflammasome, “explained François Ghiringhelli.

So, instead of removing a drug, they choose to give the patients a second drug, to offset the negative effects of the former. Translation: “how to provide new revenue for the pharmaceutical industry”

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