Cannabis Industry Undergoes Makeover As CBD Goes Mainstream

in #cannabis7 years ago

CBD has been credited with largely helping to fuel the success of the industrial hemp market at the moment and smoke shop owners say that the product continues to fly off the shelves.

You can find many people around the United States today who admit to taking CBD for a variety of different reasons, and a growing number of doctors turning to it as a solution for their patients.

There are many people using this product to address a myriad of health issues; some use it for their cancer symptoms, others for their epilepsy, diabetes, colitis, arthritis, PTSD, anxiety, or other specific struggle.

Those who use CBD admit that it's helped to tremendously improve their standard of living, that it enables them to function normally whereas otherwise if they didn't have it, they would likely be bed-ridden and have much worse symptoms. It would dramatically lower their quality of life.

The reason that so many have been open to trying CBD and perhaps not cannabis is because you can obtain CBD without the psychoactive THC chemical that fuels the 'high' experience. This makes it an appealing entrance product to the cannabis market for those who might otherwise have turned their nose up at it.

destigmatizing cannabis...

Because of the confusion surrounding hemp, cannabis, and CBD etc, there are many lawmakers and others in authority who want to crackdown on the product and ramp-up confiscations.

However, they would be doing so to the detriment of a lot of people and leaving them with options that arguably pose much more of a risk to their health.

At the moment, a variety of officials have insisted that they will approach the issue on a case-by-case basis, focusing on the testing of the product in question and whether or not it meets the legal requirements to be on the shelves. If it contains too much THC then the product will be confiscated and destroyed, rather than allowed onto the market to potentially bring and provide relief to many people.

Sometimes it gets destroyed even before they've bothered to test it, they just jump to destroying it.

There is little doubt that the time and energy that officers and lawmakers spend on trying to police this product would surely be better spent on other endeavors.

Thanks to the growing popularity for the product, there has been a wide variety of cbd-related products that have come to market in recent years. You can now find cbd oil, cbd gum, skin care products, topical creams, coffee pods, and much more.

Now that there are so many people who are looking to enter this market as well, it's prompting companies to get very creative and unique with their marketing, branding, and packaging efforts.

But as the popularity for the product has surged, so too has the availability of low-quality products that claim to contain CBD which don't end-up living up to the hype they promise with their marketing. It's up to the consumer to find a brand that they trust, one that they find works for their own individual circumstances.

There is a lot of education still to do when it comes to relaying the potential benefits of things like cbd, hemp, and cannabis, to the masses. And in trying to convince lawmakers that they should respect the right of people to consume and use this product. Thankfully though, there are a lot of people who are dedicated to pursuing that effort; trying to erode the many years of propaganda that has tainted the conversation and fueled a negative mindset in the eyes of many toward a natural product.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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CBD seems to be extremely helpful for autism and significantly less costly than conventional medicines.

My biggest issue right now with the marketing of CBD is that the industrial Hemp CBD is being marketed like it is it's cousin Cannabis aka marijuana. For those who doesn't understand the difference that is reading this comment. Think of it this way, Hemp CBD is like a vitamin where as it's cousin is a medicine. This is my biggest pet peeve of all these hype on CBD, because it is the Hemp CBD that is really being sold every where. Only in legal states can you get the Cannabis CBD oil, legally anyways.

CBD has so many benefits, reduces inflammation and pain, helps with anxiety and neurological issues...and gee is an extract of a natural plant that you can grow right here on earth.

This isn't profitable though. No, not enough profits for big pharma. We need to get the government involved, etc. etc.

Bummer so much collusion goes on at the top...and that they have to invent these battles with naturally occurring plants in order to keep them down, and instead pump pills and painkillers through every corner doctor's office.

Maybe one day we can get it right...

A good medication, finally the world is coming to it's senses about Cannabis.

Disown the generalities of the use of the CBD, so it can be seen is a very good product and necessary for the health of many people, it would be convenient that legislators deepen the knowledge and the differences that exist between hemp, cannabis and CBD .
Thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing all this information
I wish you a great day

There's no difference between the 3, they are all the same plant/product. You can take a hemp plant and through selective breeding you could turn it into every other imaginable or possible strain/type of cannabis there is and you can take a cannabis plant and again through the same method turn it into the fastest growning, least thc producing, most fiber,cellulose,seed,oil/sqm hemp plant there is. Ultimately what lawmakers have to do is address the study ran by the DOT in 1999 on cannabis which found that cannabis cannot be compared to alcohol, alcohol being magnitudes worse than cannabis and all such studies that exemplify that benign nature of the high itself.

in other words, the cannabis family ✌

Thank you very much dear friend @baah for all this technical specification, it is always good to acquire knowledge.
I wish you a great day

I'm so happy to see how the 'mainstream' is sloowly starting to understand that cannibis isn't danger substance at all

but sad to see that south korea or any asia country is completely against it

I even did not know that CBD is so good for health, thank you for such a useful information.

Yup, CBD functions off the endocannabanoid system

CBD will take it place finally, this will take medication world to another level

CBD has been extremely helpful for me...thanks for sharing...

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