Everything Exists in Consciousness

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

​This Mantra alone has allowed me to program myself subconsciously with a frequency that has naturally risen the deeper I gain an understanding of it. The repetition of this phrase over the course of many years now has tied up many loose ends when it comes to my perception of the creator.

Like anything, the more you study something the better you understand it. Based on my years of study, experimentation, de-programming.... re-programming...

Creating,...aligning... Synchronizing ....

Much more than just the hemispheres​ of my brain in order to gain a better understanding of this Vivid projection that I​ call perception. All based on electrical signals being formed by a ​sound frequency created by a thought vibration mind you.

Everything that exists in this very moment was a thought first of which​ shows how easy it is to understand that​​ THOUGHT Is the point of creation. .Well to me at least.

But what came next was nothing less than​ a quantum leap in the way my I began CONSCIOUSLY​ view the creator​.

I see life as a reflection of my thoughts. You ...Him..Her... The Entire​ Universe ...All simply a reflection of what is inside of me.

Based on this perception, I have learned to see beauty,​ love, ​and perfection in everything I observe.

I would never ask someone to think like me but I do suggest you think for yourself

because this has made my life well​.. Awesome =-)

Anyway, I'm just rambling...

Nice to meet you all. My name is SIX and I enjoy smoking Top-shelf Cannabis amongst other things.

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Welcome. Great mantra - everything exists in consciousness.
And for me, I would add - and form is the expression of consciousness.
Now let me roll us a joint and welcome you to our part of the internet.

Welcome @thesixworldorder. It's great to see posts on expressions of consciousness. I imagine that top-shelf has contributed to great awareness for many. Blessings to you.

Thank you so much and many blessings to you as well. Yes, cannabis has definitely played the role as a tool to keep me focused in the present moment. Thank you for understanding the beauty​​ of​ this wonderful​ herb. All herbs have the ability to help you recognize​ that your​ frequency is rising.

All plants have their purpose, they keep us close to nature and the magnificence of everything. Even something as common as oregano has a huge variety of medicinal purposes, but most people only know it as an herb for flavoring dishes. God made no mistakes!

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