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RE: What Happens When I Take A Tolerance Break

in #cannabis6 years ago

As one of us suffers from the same MS symptoms, and has a similar story, we unfortunately understand.
You pretty much said it all, here!
Except perhaps that some medical users should take great care with tolerance breaks. In some instances, it could kill the patient fairly quickly. But those patients usually already know they can't take tolerance breaks, so mentioning it might not be necessary at all. Just something to think about! Thankfully, cannabis is saving MANY lives. We're thankful for the black (free) market in Canada, which is keeping so many people alive and functioning right now. The legalized market just announced they may be sold out for DECADES. What in the actual f***?
Keep it lifted : )


Thanks for mentioning that key point that I missed.
You are absolutely correct. There are many people who simply are not well enough to take a tolerance break.
Doing so, may mean certain death.
Thank you for raising that topic (because I do as much as I bitch about it, really feel fortunate about being well enough to be able to take a break.)
Many cannot.
I have included a very detailed response to @massmedicinals that might be of interest to your group. Please find the thread below. ;)

Will do! Thank you for all your great posts. You're an inspiration on the blockchain and we salute you.
There's so much hope for MS and other neurological illnesses, and autoimmune conditions, which previously were considered mainly untreatable. We think there's decent reason to be hopeful for treatments that prolong quality healthy lifespan to the point where we'll eventually be able to cure it completely. MS may have already done its worst to humanity, which is a very good thing, as you know it's no picnic.
Cannabis is part of that hope! And people like us (you, us, other activists and leaders) are instrumental in that. Ambassadors of weed!!