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RE: Obscenely obscene profits obscenity

in #capitalism8 years ago

So, greed is good? Seriously? It's not the individual 'profits' of the 'excess value' created by the slaves, it is the compounding that has starving children in the streets outside overflowing food warehouses owned by people that have never done a constructive act in their lives. W.
Crapitalism, and feudalism before it, are what have led us here, why would those in charge of it change it? How can putting others in charge of it change the system that put them in power?
It's time for a hard reset that makes sure that rule by force can never be dominant again.
Free markets only insure that little money will always bow to big money, and since the criminals that have put these two demented puppets up for the throne have the biggest money, nothing will change.
Until the people rise up, rule by force is what we get.


Pretty sure I never said "greed is good"; you are taking your own ideals and using them to interpret what another person must be feeling. And since we are talking here about corporate profits, you are reifying a corporation (which is really just an abstract construct) and assigning emotions to it. A corporation can't be greedy. It is logically impossible.
As to food warehouses overflowing, you contradict yourself. You say the owners have never done a constructive act in their lives when in fact they have: they have bought property and put it to the use of warehousing food. This in turn has allowed more food to reach more people at lower cost to said people than ever before in history. If you have an idea outside of capitalism that can perform better, by all means implement it. So far every competing idea has failed, miserably.


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