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RE: Profits Are Not Confiscated Product

in #capitalism8 years ago

Where do the new parts come from?
What part of stop paying are you having trouble with?
As for the bums, yes, you are right, but when they begin to starve they will stand up and help, too.
They won't be able to find any love in the community, they will be pariahs, if they are ok with that, we already carry the bums but we carry a social worker, a supervisor, a director, and a governor to go with him, my plan cuts out their salaries, retirements, and health insurance.
Better to just carry the bums and not talk to them.

This proposal does require maturity from the masses, not something they have been bred/indoctrinated for in the last 100 years.

It is up to the visionaries to make it happen, 90% of the masses just don't care.

Unless you are ready to do the months of reading it would take to illuminate you to a level where your cognitive dissonance isn't too loud, we are really at an impasse.
And further conversation may be a waste of time.
But I got plenty to keep going if you do.


I get what you're saying now. So everyone works for free, everyone consumes for free. I see two possible issues with this.
First, some goods took more raw material and effort to produce so there will always be goods of which there are fewer (more scarce) per man-hour spent producing them.
Second, your proposal demands that people be other than they are. If people were other than they are, there are any number of grand ideas of how a society maybe ordered; however, human nature is as it is. Any system, in order to function (at all, let alone perfectly) must take into account both nature as it is, and human beings as they are.
This is just a recipe for a massive tragedy of the commons; the most desirable position for any individual within such a society would be to consume as much as possible while producing as little as possible, with no ownership stake in the commons goods -- and thus no motivation to maintain them.
As long as such an individual can count on Everyone Else doing THEIR part, he has no need to do his.

In other words, it sounds lovely, but ignores human nature.

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