Capricoin Crypto currency SCAM stay awaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #capricoin7 years ago (edited)

Be warn Capricoin (visionary ) is a scam,

I write to everybody to warn the cryptocurrencies community to stay a away from Capricoin.

Ive Purchased  Capricoins on there Vizionary website

 nearly 2 years ago.

As the coins hasn’t really performed very we’ll, I just left on there platform until last week.

finally currency showed some life last week ,and  I thought be good time to get out visionary.

So I tried to make withdraw in the last week ,

but when I start going through the process to get verified , so I can have access to my own coins , that I purchased, things start going wrong.

I try update my details, but every time  I put my secret password in,they said incorrect ,

I went out of the programme,and must have change it nearly 5 times ,

eventually I got locked out of my account.

I send there support message they asked copy of my passport , 

I complied , 

Still I wasn’t able to access my account ,

at this point I was starting to lose it , because I want to get rid of those Capricoin while the price was .5,

I tried to phone them, they only got one number on there visionary sight , 


when you phone, it rings for about min and then get cut of,

that my friends doesn’t not in still a lot confidence in company were you have some of you hard earn money.

So I blew it after keep getting generic responses , clearly I got an issue ,

To me its simple, Transfer  my coins out visionary and we don’t have problem , 


So I told them what I think of them , they are bunch of cunts ,

thats worse then the banks we all try get away from,

they don’t deserve our support or our money.

Obviously got the same generic rubbish from them saying the same , with one little difference, should I “speak” to them like that , they will cut  of my account.

That was a threat.

So after I tried numerously times again to access my account  and failed ,

I did what any person with balls will do ,

I told them exactly what they are,

So they have stolen my money ,


but rather lose my money then my integrity .

So my friends ,

Capricoin exactly the same as the banks we try to run from.

Please if you have coins with them sell it , we don’t need companies like this in our community ,

we need transparent , companies ,that we can trust , if allow these sorts of companies to come in our ecosystem, then  we will just form another banking system were they have full control and we have nothing .

At the end of the day , CAPRICOIN COULD HAVE RESOLVED MY ISSUE easily , all they have to do transfer my coins that I paid for to another platform and they would never here from me again.

But instead they showed me, we will have to be very careful who we trust in crypto world, 

Because this  is were get dangerous , when companies can act totalitarian manner like  this, and just take your money.

if we capitulate  to these type companies in our comunity already then its all over, we’ve just created another banking system , that is the same as the old

If so , whats the point ?

In end the only thing that matter in life ,Time and Liberty ,

both was taken from me by Capricoin.

I ask you to please share and post this , get word out ,

we don't need this 

and we shouldn't rewards Cryptocurrencies that will bring this fragile infant market under scrutiny.

thank you 

Please share this 

make everybody aware what and who they are .

thank you


I can link you up with someone that will help you get your capricoin's off onto the exchange if you want to trade them. Might as well, they've been going up.

Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau Siebert!

Bedauerlicherweise empfehlen Sie hier den Austritt bei Vizionary aufgrund mangelnder Kenntnisse bzgl. des Umgangs mit der Technik im Backoffice. Wir empfehlen Ihnen die Teilnahme in dieser Hinsicht an einem EDV Kurs! Nun, ob dies jedoch so eine ungeheuerliche Schlechtdarstellung unserer Firma und unserem CapriCoin rechtfertigt sei im Horizont desjenigen zu bewerten der die Szene zu 100 % sachrichtig einzuschätzen weiß. Dies ist leider bei Ihnen nicht der Fall. Sie diffamieren hier die Firma Vizionary aufgrund mangelnder Sachkenntnis im Bereich EDV. Dies ist infam. Wir sind froh, solche Mitglieder wie Sie nicht mehr in unserer Struktur zu haben. Danke für Ihr Statement. Möglicherweise ist dies auch ein Artikel im Internet für das Internet damit schlechte Äußerungen zu finden sind wenn es sonst nichts Schlechtes zu berichten gibt. Es zeigt bereits einen geistigen Horizont mit Nachbesserungspotential indem Sie leider noch nicht einmal den Firmennamen korrekt schreiben – dieser lautet VIZIONARY (mit „z“). Bitte lassen Sie förderwärts von solch unqualifizierten Kommentaren ab.

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Jürgen Ley

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