ADSactly Tech News - The Cars of the Future That Drive Themselves and Navigate Blue Skies!

in #cars6 years ago (edited)

ADSactly Tech News: The Cars of the Future That Drive Themselves and Navigate Blue Skies!

Image Source: Pitchbook

When it comes to human beings they all have different personal preferences when it comes to transportation. Many of us perform our commute begrudgingly with not many alternatives regarding how we get to work in the morning but others have unusual options when they get creative!

What do you think the future of transportation will look like twenty years down the line? Do you think flying cars is out of the question? What about maglev trains? How about self-driving cars that are managed by AI?

In this article I will go over a few things I've learned in the process of researching the technology of the future and show you some possibilities going forward...

In regard to future transport one of the most likely technological upgrades which we will probably see first is autonomous driving. In only five years the technology behind this futuristic prediction has moved from “maybe possible” to “definitely possible” to “inevitable” to “how did anyone ever think this wasn’t inevitable?”

In fact, there are a ton of large scale auto manufacturers actively competing to perfect the technology required to bring a future of driverless cars about.

Companies like Waymo (a spinoff of Google’s self-driving car project) have been hard at work trying to be the future industry leader in this field. They seemed like they were closing in on a complete monopoly in regard to autonomous self-driving cars until a few big names popped up to give them a bit of stiff competition. I'm talking about companies like Lyft and Uber who would love to trade their expensive human drivers for automated driverless shuttles.

Its not only car companies working towards building this future, large corporations like Intel, IBM, and Apple are also looking to get in on the action as well! There are a lot of components in creating autonomous vehicles and many startups are positioning themselves applying for new patents that involve laser sensors, mapping software, and control center configurations responsible for managing future fleets of self-driving cars.

Image Source: Waym

When I talk about driverless cars, I'm not actually talking about the future. Well, I am but this topic strongly relates to the present because believe it or not, some of these cars have already hit the road! Driverless cars are already prowling the streets of California and Michigan, Paris and London, Singapore and Beijing.

There is a lot of speculation at the moment that driverless tech has the possibility of adding $7 trillion to the global economy and save hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few decades. Personally I feel very conflicted about this new potential future in which driverless cars dominate the roads and I must accept the fact that I'm powerless and completely dependent on this new technology to get me to my destination safely!

Maybe its a good thing, maybe not. A big fundamental shift will take place if this new driverless car reality comes to fruition. Firstly, it will completely devastate the auto industry, gas stations, drive-thrus, taxi drivers, and truckers. Uber and Lift drivers will have to re-enter the job market putting further strain on the unemployment rate. Sure, stockholders of the companies that introduce these new vehicles will prosper but there will be a lot of people out of a job on the other hand. I'm not saying this is going to be a terrible reality but I think we need to consider both sides of the coin carefully. Do we want to support this technology or not?

It’s worth remembering that when automobiles first started rumbling down manure-clogged streets, people called them “horseless carriages.” The moniker made sense: Here were vehicles that did what carriages did, minus the hooves. By the time “car” caught on as a term, the invention had become something entirely new. Over a century, it reshaped how humanity moves, and thus how (and where and with whom) humanity lives. This cycle has restarted, and the term “driverless car” will soon seem as anachronistic as “horseless carriage.” We don’t know how cars that don’t need human chauffeurs will mold society, but we can be sure a similar gear shift is on the way.

The above statement makes a good point about change. We may not be ready for new technologies but eventually humanity and society changes with it and adapts to a new way of doing things. When it comes to driverless technology I don't see how its much different than what was stated above.

The driverless car can indeed be compared to the horseless carriage. Older generations will have a much harder time coping with this new reality while younger generations who are much more comfortable with technology considering the fact they have grown up with smart phones and high tech gadgets will certainly be more open to accepting driverless cars as a simple upgrade to modern transportation.

Image Source: CNET

Self driving cars are great and all but I'm looking for a faster way to get to work here! What do you got for me?

Well based on research I've conducted on this subject the idea of getting around via flying cars in our liftime looks increasingly possible... The future of flying cars looks brighter and brighter as we get close to turning the page on this decade.

In recent news it seems that a comapny called Sampson Sky has announced that it’s now holding 615 reservations for its new Switchblade kit-built, flying sports car!

The company sponsored a Sun ‘n Fun forum a while back about the state of the flying car industry. At the event, visitors had a chance to chat with the Switchblade's creators.

Just two years earlier, the Samson Sky reservation program had been launched at Sun 'n Fun when potential customers saw a sneak peek of the wing swing mechanism for the vehicle. Getting down to the dirty details of it all, the Switchblade is reported to have the power-to-weight ratio of a 2017 Corvette.

People from all over the globe want to get their hands on these based on the fact that the company says the Switchblade reservation list includes enthusiasts from over 15 countries.

Just because they are cool doesn't make them cheap though! Sampson Sky anticipates the price of a VFR Switchblade to be about $140,000.

All of this takes me back and I have memories of watching the movie 'Back to the Future' in the 1990's and being completely amazed. Lets be honest folks, just the idea of a car that could time travel is an exciting proposition.

But my oh my, when I saw the sequel, 'Back to the Future 2' it made me even more excited! In this movie we saw hoverboards, automatic clothing that could dry itself and yes, flying cars!

Even though the Switchblade will cost a pretty penny, it seems incredibly cool and if I had a pilot's license and was in a position to buy one, I do believe I would. A few of its key features that I forgot to mention above include its extendable wings and tail. Beyond the wings and tail being an outstanding feature, when it comes to technical specifications, apparently it can reach altitudes of 13,000ft with a lot of help by its rear-mounted propeller.

Image Source: The Sun

Would you like to own a self-driving car or a flying car if the price was right?

There are some incredible feats of engineering and computer science being applied when it comes to both of the technologies discussed above. I'm on the fence at the moment and I'd honestly want to let the dust settle and let others try out these new technologies first before taking the leap to use one or own one of these vehicles!

This doesn't stop me from wanting to know how you feel about the matter... I really want to know how my fellow @ADSactly society members feel about these fun and new ways to get around.

Do you see any dangers involved with flying cars or self driving cars and if so what are they in your opinion?

Which of these new forms of transportation if any seem appealing to you?

Here's a chance for the @ADSactly community to leave their thoughts and opinions on this topic!

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

In-text citations sources:

The WIRED Guide to Self-Driving Cars - Wired

World’s first 200mph flying sports car the Samson Motors’ £90,000 Switchblade is set to soar by next Spring - The Sun

Switchblade Sponsors Flying Car Forum at Sun ‘n Fun 2018 - Flying Mag

CRP Group Makes Progress, Showcases 3D Printed Electric Superbike - 3dPrint

Move over Tesla, this self-driving car will let you sleep or watch a movie during your highway commute - CNBC

Image Sources:

The Sun

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Well. I think the older folks are going to power the self driving car revolution. I hope I have 10 good years of driving left (at least) and the idea of staying in my own home till the last possible minute includes a car that can drive when I can't. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.

I followed two 'autonomous vehicles' when I was in Las Vegas last month. One was a shuttle bus that was unbelievably slow in traffic. The other was a Lyft branded BMW that I followed quite a ways on the strip. It didn't hold me up much, and it was easy for me to tuck right in behind.

There were two women in the Lyft vehicle, chatting away. One was behind the wheel but talking with both hands. It was a pretty cool 'hands off' demonstration to me.

Oh, and I saw one of the full tilt Google mapping vans at three separate locations when I was in Minot, North Dakota. If they are full mapping Minot they are close to being fully mapped in every city. I'm just sayin'

Let me weigh in on these points here :

Well. I think the older folks are going to power the self driving car revolution.

I'd agree that the older folks will be strongly in support of it, the fact that they have all the money and hold the power when it comes to corporations and government doesn't really make it fair for the younger generations who still have the ability and desire to drive themselves. Good point.

One was a shuttle bus that was unbelievably slow in traffic. The other was a Lyft branded BMW that I followed quite a ways on the strip. It didn't hold me up much, and it was easy for me to tuck right in behind.

I've written off technology in the past only to see it dwarf the potential of older iterations and become truly unbelievable. Look at today's smartphone and consider it was only 20 years ago when people were still using Sony Walkmans!

There were two women in the Lyft vehicle, chatting away. One was behind the wheel but talking with both hands. It was a pretty cool 'hands off' demonstration to me.

Absolutely, it is getting to the point where it warrents real discussion. Points made below about this driverless car revolution not becoming a serious threat to those that would like to avoid it are complete nonsense. We are not far away from having to take a stand on this topic and based on your points I'd say it is approaching quickly.

I don't like painting things as black or white, this topic clearly has many shades of grey. Will this driverless car reality be good for old folks, possibly... Is it going to reduce fatalities on the road, probably not at first, it will most likely cause more as they work out the bugs. Should we worry about how this may impinge upon our freedom of movement, absolutely!

Thanks for weighing in as always @bigtom13. Take care.

All automobile manufacturers and GAFAs make us believe that the autonomous car is for tomorrow ... It is obviously their interest!
But I predict that the arrival of the first autonomous cars will not be a part of pleasure: There will be, obviously accidents, which will raise insoluble problems of responsibility:

  • who of the manufacturer of the car or the owner of it will be responsible for accidents,
  • when the software of the car will have to choose between precipitating the car on a wall or striking pedestrians, how will it be done?
  • what standards will be required for infrastructure? Will it be necessary to modify all the roads, the alleys, the dirt roads of France and Navarre?
  • what will be the cost of software updates for vehicles; which will make them obligatory ...
    You see the type of problems that will appear?
    The autonomous car is going to be such a gulf that I predict that its use will be framed by a thousand regulations and laws of all kinds, which will make the occupant of the car (I do not dare to say the driver), the person in charge of all decisions made by his car.

What do you think the future of transportation will look like twenty years down the line? Do you think flying cars is out of the question? How about self-driving cars that are managed by AI?

It’s very easy to imagine mass adaptation of self driving cars or even driverless. However, for this to become reality, it’s much tougher. I just can’t imagine having driverless cars in NYC. People are literally jumping in from of your car. Other drivers are switching lines like they are the only once on the street. You have to be all the time on alert. The whole city would have to be rebuild with access for driverless cars only. Than it could work.

Intel, IBM, and Apple are also looking to get in on the action as well!

Especially Apple with all their extra cash they have on site waiting for the perfect investment.

...but there will be a lot of people out of a job on the other hand.

That’s true! But it would also be a very good opportunity for business owners. Imagine instead of driving one car 12-16 hours a day as a taxi driver, you can own multiple taxis and still just take care of your paperwork. But as I already mentioned, not in NYC unless there is some kind of restricted area for driverless cars only.

Nice points made here! This was what I was looking for opinion in either direction using supporting details and factual information to prove points. I agree there are certainly some positive aspects of this new technology being implemented going forward. Thanks!

We are heading towards a future which we have seen in the sci-fi movies. Everything is possible in this world. Perhaps, one day we will see aliens and will fight against them. Interstellar battles will begin and we will be able to travel between different dimensions.
This type of cars will not be a great thing after ten years. We'll be able to manufacture them easily. But the problem of air traffic will also escalate with them. Pollution will also become a big problem. Without addressing the problem of over population and pollution, we cannot enjoy much. However, every new technology must be appreciated.

007 gadgets is in reality now in which it is just a dream yesterday 😅

Driverless cars are also beneficial for millions senior citizens who are not mentally stable to control the wheel. When this technology is practical in the future, seniors can travel from place to place limitless.

Posted using Partiko Android

It will be great when you are a billionaire eh, won't it? Oh no. For the people, the peasants, the normal people it will not be great. It will be "Remember the good old days when you could drive your own car around when and where you liked ? You could drive anywhere. Choose your speed within limits." Normal cars and human drivers will be banned as too dangerous. And the people will be happy? NO. The people will be dumbed down within a generation of the new laws. People will not know how to drive. While the robot car takes care of the driving You can focus on something else - like how you miss driving and how miserable you are. You can focus on leisure? No. You can focus on work as you commute to more work. Wake up people. Robots did not bring the working person more leisure robots just took your means to earn a little bit of money to live on. There will be no more going for a spin. Very sad loss being sold as a gain.

This is a bit dark and emotional in my opinion. I agree that we need to protest this technology getting too much control over society but there are certainly balanced views that I would agree more with. The technology itself isn't evil, it is the person applying it and their motives that play a larger role. It isn't great news and people will lose jobs but emotion aside we cannot stop this or put it back in a box. The age of driverless cars is approaching regardless of how we feel about it..

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This guy is a dreamer....There will not be self driving cars wide spread for 50 years. We just don't have the tech. to do it safely and wont for a long time. Get over it. Also the liability is going to be insane, the first person to be hit by a self driving car will own the company that made it. We have been working on this for over 30 years and we can't do it yet, that tells you something. Its a pipe dream for 50 years from now.

imho, you have mentioned many things right. Except one great mistake : 50 is a totaly wrong figure. Change 50>>> 25 years, and i willl agree with you 100%

Who is a dreamer? This is happening. Pay attention.

I am so tired of all these simple minded conversations... At the end of the day, I enjoy driving. PERIOD. Technology is just destroying passions and jobs. Not to mention that it makes us weaker, more and more ignorant, lazy and less skillful. If tomorrow morning you would be to wake up and everything was automated, what would be the point in living anymore? You'd have nothing to do. I want to go to Elon Musk's face and ask him this simple question: What about all the races, car communities, car shows, car meets, drifting, car enthusiasts, all the automotive channels and simply the people who enjoy driving and being in control as opposed to some ignorant bastards who would prefer being on their phone, not even feeling the car nor admiring the landscape? God the world we live in is getting worse and worse everyday. It isn't enough that technology is robbing us of our privacy, but now you want my car to be connected to everything else? Are you kidding me? I wish I could live back in the 70's. Back when men were men and cars were cars. Steel, tough, aggressive. Screw innovation and technology!

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it will go away at your command. Human beings are able to adapt and adapt we must. Simple minded conversations? Please elaborate?