@CASTELLANO Witness intent Collaboration and joint forces for sustainable growth

in #castellano7 years ago

Spanish Club - Stafford High School

The intent:

The Spanish community is well represented in STEEMit, it floats being he 2 or 3 third language used in the platform and there are some independent promising projects and communities that have sprout, both @moisesmcardona and @nnnarvaez have been independently running witness servers and rying to provide an umbrella to empower the several projects being born around the hispanic communities (South, central and north american spanish speakers) these communities or its members have been facing integration problems especially due to cultural and social differences between Spain and Hispanic users. (see Example in ref A)

So we have decided to merge our efforts as we both share the same goals and we are ready to walk together a long part of the road.

After months witnessing on our separate sides, and closely working together we thought that we will provide a better added value to the platform by joining our technical resources and skills, on one hand to prove everyone that collaboration and working together are one of the many paths to success in building STEEM.

We hope also to be more efficient in the management of the infrastructure we are helping to provide and since we will be sharing the workload of both server management, community building and development of small services and solutions for the south american community.

It is for this reasons that we believe that even is we have limited stake our efforts deserve a glance from the share-holders and if satisfactory be taken into consideration for support.

So, If you are currently supporting @nnnarvaez or @moisesmcardona as witnesses.

Please we invite you to replace those votes and support @castellano a witness server, run by two committed community builders, oriented to provide solutions to address user growth and retention within our area of reach that we expect to grow with the support both from the communities and the stake-holders.

If you were voting for both of us it will free a witness vote, if you were not please consider voting for us, keep reading to discover the projects and activities that we are supporting and how are we helping build this tool to create human networks.

Example cultural differences and approach, Ref A

In south america the line between plagiarism and fair use is totally misunderstood because of lack of enforcement of copyright laws in the countries, most new users end up making one for or other of abuse for lack of knowledge and research of what is and what is not accepted. In most cases users just need a friendly correction and to be shown the steemian way.

We don't accept plagiarism, and both @moisesmcardna and @nnnarvaez have been trying to educate users and promote the good steemian habits since our beginnings through joint activities and hangouts and discussions, intervening in posts giving advice ETC, and we see proudly that this approach seems to work and it has been adopted on its own accord by the initiacives policing the language.

The Machines

We have currently activated the @castellano key in the server in Florida run by Moises, at the same time we are migrating all the tools developped by both of us to Nathan (nnnarvaez) web-server.

AMD Ryzen 7 1700 con 32GB de RAM 1TB NVME SSD

Once the migration is done we will source an additional server in a data center to use it as main server and the FL one will remain as a backup ready to take over, so: No block is left behind

We are also setting up in collaboration with another witness working for the south american community @dropahead a third server for joint test purposes so we can try before deploying in the main ones.

Specs of the main witness server (Awaiting delivery)

Specs of the webserver

The activities for the communities

@moisesmcardona runs the Castellano Discord server community serves as a hub between the users and the many projects actively participating in the development of user adoption and retention

While @nnnarvaez runs the @reveur project, a community oriented initiative to cultivate Venezuelan users into steemians and the use of STEEM as an instrument to store value (Compared to Venezuelan inflation crypto volatility is not that scary). Discord de @reveur

We organize hangouts to instill a vision of a STEEM built on human relations and collaborative efforts.

Let's walk at least part of the road together to mutual success.

  • We empower minnows with good ideas either by channeling them to already existing initiatives on the block-chain, or providing an incubator to build support and turn charcoal ideas into accomplished diamonds.

  • We aim to create a bridge between the English speaking community and the ever growing Spanish speaking community.

  • We recognize the STEEM block-chain as a gateway to the masses into the world of crypto, and we strive to provide the better user experience we can afford to the communities we are building, and promote a merit based recognition of the participation.

  • We aim to listen to the best interest of the long term success of the block-chain both from the point of view of investors and of users. In order to ensure sustainable growth and wealthy future of the platform.

  • We listen to the new comer problems and guide them towards a better horizon, we aim to instill the importance of collaboration and mutual objectives, and how building trust relations is key to success in steemit.

Concrete actions

Several weekly curation hangouts where authors share and have a good time with invited curators from several groups and meet and make relations.

  • Weekly Introduction to STEEM sessions covering the very basic to empower with knowledge new users (as well as empower with the right attitude)

  • Weekly Introduction to crypto and markets starting from the steemit block-chain, where we cover the very basics to ease the transition from the convert function to the internal market to explore the external market.

  • Weekly present your idea session where emerging steemians find a platform to shine their ideas into projects for the sustained growth of the block-chain.

Tools and community perks.

We have many tools and utility scrips developed between @moisesmcardona y @nnnarvaez that we ar ecurrently polishing to release as curation and community builder tools.
We will b updating about them as they progress

There is a trail running from the Castellano Discord server, aimed to the minnows to help them obtain curation rewards. Which is actually manually curated by @moisesmcardona every day, between 100 and 300 posts.

Get a hint if you are looking to whom delegate who deserves it.

There is the AI driven community curation BOT @reveur which can be summoned by anyone with a comment in the #venezuela and #castellano tag to cast a free vote empowering minnows to reward authors with our vote, for free.

It handles a complex calculation of generosity (I call it steemitty) and the higher the generosity score of the summoner, the more it gives on its summons, and handles a VP control similiar to the STEEMit one.

We are starting sponsoring a project to incentive posts aimed at newcomers guidance and cultivation, tutorials, advice.
Idea from one of the users that makes life in the community, hopefully she will accept to be leading it

We are sponsoring with our limited means the organization of activities to take steem out of the block-chain both to promote adoption but to be used as a means of storing value.
We see Venezuela current economic situation like a perfect opportunity to demonstrate that a currency has the value we find from using it as a means of exchange for goods and services.
This subject is especially dear to @nnnarvaez and he tends to extend to eternity on it

Ok we do other many little things and this Post has crossed the TL|DR barrier a while ago.

We will continue reporting the initiatives and ideas we are developing in the witness updates to come.

Just one last topic...

Bandwidth problem, Spam, size increase of the block-chain

While the root causes are found and solutions implemented and to mitigate the impact of robotic activity in detriment of the human interactions we have jointly decided to minimize to the strict minimum our bots generating transactions.

We re migrating to a discord integration in house developed solution to replace the interactions that require a block-chain transaction with read calls to APIs and stopping comment bot activity.

We encourage all BOT owners to do the same in support of the projects that work hard at protecting the block-chain from spammers and miners.

We think that it will have a positive effect as a mitigation measure, to reduce both, BOT and unnecessary commenting activity for promotional or warning purpose, privileging direct private contact means whenever possible, until we determine what the root cause and the long term solution would be.

Final considerations TL|DR version

To resume, @moisesmacardona and @nnnarvaez, joined into a single witness effort under the account @castellano.

We would like to invite our individual voters to replace their vote for the previous accounts and vote for @castellano (Here is the Steemconnect V2 link)

If you were not voting for us in the past but want to give us a chance we will be very grateful, and we promise not to disappoint.

We do many things to build communities and to increase retention and adoption, we teach and guide, we try to help and cultivate.

We strive to excel technically and continually learn and develop our involvement and skills wherever we can

Do not mind your stake and the weight of your witness vote, both Moises and I know to treasure small minnow voters and we try to encourage and educate everyone in the importance of witness votes irregardless of how much stake (SP) a user represent we take pride to have the support of a myriad of new comers, not because we told them so, but because we explained them why and they vote us in recognition.

In our land of unicorns i want to believe that the big fish see the support minnows show to witnesses as an indicator of something good going on and might raise interest in our projects.

Here is the Steemconnect V2 link again to vote for Castellano as a witness



Por estar en Inglés no le había prestado la debida atención y lectura. Ahora si lo he detallado y me parece interesante.

Bienvenido en esta nueva "faceta" para el "tag" "castellano". Ahora si tendrá más fuerza y sentido de pertenencia como "Testigo".

Recomiendo que sea publicado nuevamente en Castellano para la lectura de todos y apoyo con voto "Witness" para @castellano, de todos quienes hablamos esta agraciada lengua materna.

Jose, sabes bien que @nnnarvaez publica en ingles porque su meta es atraer fondos interncionales para el beneficio de la comunidad...

No tenemos manos para tanto que hay que hacer...
Si nos gustaria publicar en castellano y en ingles... pero con que tiempo?

Y pa tirar una traduccion mala.... de todos modos los que son hablan con nosotros y estan al tanto y los que no son, es porque au no nos han encontrado o no les interesa :P

Ok lo entiendo. Pero, aún así valga la sugerencia o en todo caso, lanzaré un Par de preguntas quizás irrespetuosas, e igual consultaré para saber:

1.- Si me dan la autorización ¿Puedo traducirlo para ser leído y sea bien entendido todo esto por la Comunidad de Habla Hispana - Castellano y para iniciar la promoción de @castellano como Witness?

2.- Otra cosa: ¿@reveur ven sigue activo para ser llamado tal como se hacía o está en otra fase de "curación" que desconozco y por ende no debemos seguir llamándolo?

Pues yo llevo poco tiempo en la comunidad, y estoy super entusiasmado con los proyectos que dia a dia generan. Honestamente, he tratado de entrar en #publicaciones en el foro de @reveur pero aun no he recibido mi primer pago. Estoy ansioso por compartir mis publicaciones y ver las de los que lo conforman. Saludos!

buena respuesta mi amigo, y Witness para @castellano

Excelente trabajo. Quiero agradecerles ese gran trabajo que vienen haciendo y felicitarlos por esta nueva iniciativa. Mucho éxito.


Desde @enmovimiento estamos votando esta publicación y comentarios para ayudar a ayudar.

Estamos muy contentos de saber que en Steemit se crean estas iniciativas emprendedoras por el bien colectivo, por eso las apoyamos.

Si desea más información sobre nuestras actividades, haga clic aquí.

Thanks for all the support you've given to the community, I wish you good fortune on the wars to come! I'm working myself on some projects in order to help the community, when the time comes we might join forces, in the meantime you have all my support, Cheers!

Mucha suerte con el proyecto y espero que consigan todos y cada uno de los objetivos que se propongan.

Me alegra mucho que mi idioma este siendo tomado mas en cuenta que antes, aunque soy nuevo en steemit puedo notar que el idioma ingles es el que reina en este lugar, y no me siento muy comodo hablando solo en español debido a que siento que muy pocos me van a entender, quisiera que mi mundo llegara a todos los integrantes de esta hermosa pagina.

Excelente presentación y super interesante esa propuesta, para ofrecer un witness mejorado y con mucho más apoyo a la comunidad hispana. Saludos y espero que sigan aportando bastante valor social a esta red.

Excellent presentation and very interesting that proposal, to offer an improved witness and much more support to the Hispanic community. Greetings and I hope that you continue to bring a lot of social value to this network.

very nice post


Excelente. Me parece muy bien que se unan para ofrecer un witness mejorado y con mucho más apoyo a la comunidad hispanohablante. Me gustaría ver sus scripts de curación y de manejo de comunidades. Soy programador python y un poco javascript, por si necesitan ayuda y actualmente colaboro con el proyecto de promoción de arte @babelproyect . Desde nuestro proyecto seguiremos apoyándolos ya que vemos que aportan bastante valor social a esta red.
Saludos !

Gracias amigo, date una vuelta por el discord, tenemos muchos projectos y solo los dos testigos programamos.

Moises hace cosas para toda la comunidad hispana, nnnarvaez se dedica mas a venezuela pero ambos desarrollamos herrmaientas que se pueden usar en cualquier parte.

@nnnarvaez tiene un projecto que le hacen falta programadores (es una cartera de discord aislada de steemit, con un token basado en smt)

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