Caturday went to visit a friend and made a new friend

in #cat7 years ago

This guy belongs to a friend of mine. He was very friend and took to me and Mrs B right away. I'm not used to cats being as out going as this fellow was. He came right up to us and started rubbing on us and waning pets withn 5 minutes of us getting there.




Wow, very cute one.I also love cats, they are very sweet.Though I had no pet cat,but I love them very much.

Very cute your cat mr. @bunnypuncher

Deber ser muy rico que esa belleza te frote con su amor. ¡Rico!

she is beautiful

Silvestre :O beauty.

Cat beautiful

Cuando un gato se frota con una persona indica que desde ese momento en adelante la considerará "su mascota", ya que los gatos son muy orgullosos y ellos nos consideran a nosotros sus mascotas.

I am not really a fan of cats but your friend's cat looks friendly and warm. My regards to your feline friend.

Looks cute here’s our little minion
