10 scientifically justified reason to have a cat

in #cat6 years ago

Studies show that if you watch cat videos on the Internet, will load with positive emotions. So it's not particularly surprising that possession of such a creature has its advantages, says Mental Floss.

1.It is better for the environment

2009 study shows that the resources to feed the dog in the course of his life remains the same footprint as Toyota jeep. The cat eats less and mainly fish, not meat.

2.Cats help cure bad emotions

Losing a loved one is very painful, but cats help to overcome and reduce painful sensations.

3.And also to find a boyfriend

If you do not have success in the meetings, take your cat for study in England turns out that 82 percent of women look better on men who like pets, especially cats; such people are considered better.

4.Owners of cats are smart

The University of Bristol has conducted a study that people with cat for a pet are more likely to have higher education. A similar study among 600 students in Wisconsin concluded that watching cats are more intelligent.

5.You have a healthy heart

Cats reduce stress levels, not least because they require so much effort to look as in dogs. Especially the risk of heart attack or stroke is also reduced a lot.

6.They will be loyal companions

The stereotype that dogs are more affectionate than cats is just that - a stereotype. Many studies have shown that cats are just as faithful, especially the housewives themselves.

7.They can reveal things about the human person

Owners of cats are more introverted and modest, and lend themselves less to manipulation.

8.Will you sleep better

In a study of the clinic, "Mayo" 42 percent of people admit they sleep better because of her cat and many even prefer it to the man beside him.

9.Cat home means fewer allergies

Research shows that children under one year of age who live in a home with a cat exposed to less than the risk of developing allergy.

10.They can literally save your life

There are recorded cases of cats anticipated epileptic seizures, stroke and a gas leak in which intuition pet prevented serious danger and even death.

Source: www.euroscientist.com , www.pixabay.com



Good points.

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