YouTube Anti-Censorship Letter Log

in #censorship6 years ago

Comments from the day to ensure words are not lost to the din, above the fray.

Maurice Muhammad
America Hear Me....

Maurice, I believe that it is vital that you accomplish your mission. "They" have done all they can to destroy the true tenets of Christianity with centralized sermons flowing from spiritually bankrupt centers of command. No longer do many of the Christian faith feel the presence of God flow from their Priests and Pastors, they know the book, but they seem not to know the Word.
The attack on Christianity has been an assault of subversion, the attack on Islam has been much more overt; but the attack on faith cannot be dismissed or ignored. Many so-called "religious leaders" have been baffled into Babylonian debt-magic belief, and sell their souls cheaply for trinkets of this world.
I am white, and I have become gravely concerned about the condition of culture in this spiritually bankrupt land. Many whites like to think of themselves as just, but they do not care to look at the injustices committed beyond anything than what will afflict their own self-interest. I have tried to warn them; when you allow evil, brutality and injustice to flourish, the time will come when those dogs will turn on you.
To my mind, whites have become slaves, poisoned with enough hatred and sated with enough blood, the illusion persists that they are masters when they are not. They abandon their children to wars of lies, saddled with unpayable debts, programmed with childish nonsense.
Sadly, I think it is only the courage of the righteous voice of the Black man who knows and speaks the Word with fearless conviction that will save the white man from himself. Too easily are they placated while their neighbors are oppressed. God willing, you will set the example that has been long overdue.
You honor this world with your spirit. Wa-Alaikum-Salaam.

Black Pilled
The Nature of Power

That's what I like about you Stack, what Black Pill is to you, is music to my ears. Imagine that this is Rome, at the end of the days of the Republic. People aren't ruled by fear, they are dominated by it. The hearts of men desire Justice and yearn for Freedom, economic and otherwise. Once the people realize they are dealing with a crime syndicate, they step away from the syndicate; and therein lies the greatest weakness of corruption. Good men cannot be bought, bribed, cajoled, riled and seldom intimidated.
Rulers require the service of Good men, for loyalty and courage annihilate evil. It's what Sun-Tzu calls 'The Mandate of Heaven." You see Washington as a Tyrant, while I see a hero who could have become a King. Washington represented a people who would not stand for Taxation without Representation, a concept we know well in this era of Citizens United; the rubber stamp Congressional Court crafting bizarre interpretations anything but Supreme.
I have little doubt that another Caesar will appear. A strong man who knows himself, knows the Law, knows the people, and knows his enemy, will find a population either informed and ready to rally, bringing about a Golden Age, or a passive population that cares nothing for the fate of the corrupt. In either case, Caesar must only contend with either the Evil or the weak, those foolish enough to stand against their own interest, are too foolish to withstand the might of Caesar's Legion. The strategic mind knows that it is far easier to dominate and destroy a small group of petty and weak Oligarchs than to waste a moment's time conquering what has already been won.
For the just man, there is no gray. Right and wrong are as clear to the Just as Day is to Night. I have known the ideologically subverted, they are drowned in liquor, eyes clouded by smoke. Even the immigrants you criticize, I know. Russian, Brazilian, Ecuadoran, Mexican, Puerto Rican within the echelons in which I travel are often aware of the Freedoms our Civilization has long struggled to enshrine. America has always been a sleeping giant, and I can see her stirring from long slumber.
Millennials are neither weak nor stupid, although it is a moniker we quietly enjoy.
Two things in history have happened at pivotal times within two generations at almost the exact same age. The Assassination of JFK, and 9-11. Those who have a working brain, and there are many, know everything they need to know now. Flitting from op-to-op requires too much time, and too many resources. Each draconian measure required to suppress the population infuriates them more than the last. Evil has rested on the laurels of decadence, and they have grown weak. Clever people have long since withdrawn, and our patience has revealed aged, corrupt fools.
Natural law will assert herself. In this, I cannot promise you ease. In days ahead, Meritocracy and Law will once again be wed. We are the masters of this technological age. They enlist the aid of Indian and Chinese programmers, but they consistently seem to forget the universal truth that binds; we are all nerds. Class Presidents, Treasurers, and Nerds ready with tasks for brutes.
On the back of the bitter black pill only swallowed with revulsion, virtue is revived.

  • Hank

P.S. I have enjoyed your writing. Your readings and presentations are nearly equal, but the style of your writing is supreme. In the days of Censorship, I would appreciate an acknowledgement, so that I can be secure in the knowledge that you have received my public letter.

Council on Foreign Relations
Making the Global Financial System Work for All

Comments are disabled for this video.

Council on Foreign Relations
Model Diplomacy in Action

It would go a long way toward building trust in your ideas if you had the courage to enable comment on your presentations. If you cannot withstand criticism in a public forum, one can easily conclude that the merit of your work is weak. I may decide to help you, but you must open the channel to dialogue.
We can always have discussions about your material somewhere else.
If that is the route we travel, then you are blind, and you will be deprived of the information required to successfully react.

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