Is there a dark age in the 21st Century?

in #censorship6 years ago

You would almost think we were living the Grimm days of the Dark Ages where clergy, lords and other members of the higher power refrained from sharing of information to the peasants, the way the internet is going. It's a bit stunning that we live in the information age and yet it seems like were getting lesser information by the second.

Censorship, a word mostly prominent with authoritarian and dictatorship governments, has token a new form in the modern world. Whether it's Censorship by bleeping out curse words, doctrine articles to skew perspectives and opinions, or even completely shutting down platforms, an example made by this week in the shut down of Alex Jones. It may seem like a victory dance when someone you disagree with no longer is on your screen. However, cheering isn't the response we should be seeing. Alex Jones isn't the only source be washed out by Censorship. The TeleSUR network receive a huge blow to it's organization when Facebook remove their news page from its servers without any real explanation other then violation of terms. Proud Boys, Venezuela News, Common Dreams, World Socialist Site, these are only the few that have stricken away, so they can't be found and read. There's something though that's similar in all of these secretive shutdown of pages & platforms, none these are a violation of the first amendment. In fact, it's almost the new loophole that we're seeing here, it's the same Censorship, only with CORPORATIONS.

The capitalist control of society should be no shocker to those who've been viewing my content. We see it daily in North America, with healthcare bankruptcies, endless wars, bank bail outs, oil drilling, under-education, collapsing infrastructure, privatized prisons, failing policies and an overall economy that doesn't reflect the citizens. Who would of thought though that the missing piece they needed in the corruption jigsaw puzzle was an ability to control information, therefore control our minds. And they did. It's that old saying goes that Knowledge is Power. The more you know about your surroundings and the world, the better prepared, the better informed and the better protected you are as a thriving human being. Even the first early scriptures of The Bible where Adam & Eve were told to only eat from the tree of Life and not of Knowledge recount the phrase that we here today: Knowledge is Powerful. So, is it almost devious that these larger then life corporations in silicon valley are playing God when comes to the internet?

When did we, as a society, told ourselves to just extract ourselves from being critical because someone or something will do it for us. The fact that four major tech corporations stripped Alex Jones off the airwaves should be the alarm bells going off for everybody. Corporate Censorship should become a divisive issue of left vs right. The fact that numerous amounts of content from all areas of the political spectrum should be down right devious, insulting and will lead to a greater evil.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

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