Not all are terrorists

in #cervantes7 years ago

Ignorance does not blind our actions

they are words that have changed their meaning over time, not because of what they are but because of who represents them.

What meaning do they have?

Arab: everyone who was born or lives in an Arab country.

These are the countries: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen and Djibouti.

Muslim: person who believes in Islam and recognizes a mahoma as God's messenger. Most Muslim countries, many are Arab but others are not.

The countries that have more Muslims are:





As you see, none of the countries is Arabic.

There are a lot of Christians in Arab countries, such as Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan.
For that one can be Arab and not Muslim, Muslim and not Arab, Christian Arab, secular or asian Muslim.

Islamic: is all that has to do with Islam, culture, architecture, food, calendar, history and
Cities that are Islamic as Mecca or Medina.

Islamist: are people who are governed by Islamic laws to bring an area or country. Islam is also called "political Islam". that is why terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram or Daes are characterized.
Boko Haram

But that does not mean that all Islamists are terrorists. There are many Islamist countries in the world, which are not with terrorism: turkey (AKP), Egypt (Muslim brothers), Kurdistan (Islamic Kurdistan group), Algeria (Algeria green alliance), Syria (Syrian Muslim brothers), Libya (alliance national forces), Morocco (match justice and development), Indonesia (united development match), Lebanon (Islamic group).

what does it mean?
"Jihad" has nothing to do with terrorism, actually in Arabic it means "effort".
"Effort to be a good Muslim every day", but has another sifnificada, "effort to defend the borders of Islam." The second meaning is that terrorists have focused since the 1990s to justify violent Islamic movements in different countries.
It has created polemic for the term. But whether or not it is the most appropriate, today it is used to refer to terrorism in the name of Islam. Before the confusion and fear created by terror, calling everything by its name is a step to peace.

What do you say?