in #charlesfuchs6 years ago

" Life is short, stop the bitchin' and start livin" ~ Charles Fuchs.

What's Up STACKERS! 

You know what day it is, it's "Selfie Sunday" so I just had to bust out that iPhone and take a selfie with my stacks of water... it's been a while. 🤣

Is drinking "good" water important? What is considered "good" water? Who knows lol. It's just something that we don't really think about much as it comes free to our homes in unlimited amounts.

For years (about 10), I've even been drinking a different kind of H20 called Alkaline Water. So what is it? It's basically just water with a higher PH level. 

You can raise the PH level of water by just adding minerals but who wants to drink "tap water" these days filled with fluoride, chlorine and god knows what.

Alkaline water is pretty controversial as many people say they have lots of health benefits when drinking it but other are saying it's a hoax (placebo effect). 🤷🏼‍♂️

Well you know what, if it make me "feel good" drinking it by the "placebo effect", just give me some more. 😂

So Charles, what kind of water do you drink?

The best water for me to drink in my opinion is called "Real Water". You probably seen this water at tons of health stores like whole foods. 

It's very hard to explain but this water taste "clean" compared to others. I'm not sure why but it actually "taste good" but there is no "taste" 🤪

Here are some pics of that "Good Water" and it goes great with that morning coffee (organic of course). ☕

Real Water is based in Las Vegas so I actually get the 5 Gallons Bottles delivered to the house but it seems to me that the delivery driver forgot to come by this week. 🤬

I had to pick some gallons of "Real Water" up at a local health food store called Sprouts and guess what happened? A whopping $5.99 per gallon! What a scam but ya know what? I can't go a day without drinking my "Real Water" so I bought three. 😬

So what kind of water do you guys drink? You should give "Real Water" a try, it might change the way you drink water for the rest of your life.

Maybe next time, I'll also share with you guys my $5000 Kangen Machine that alkalizes my water from home. That's another whole story to tell lol

Have an awesome Sunday "Funday" and Keep on STACKIN! 💞

P.S. For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.


I never heard of alkaline water..i thought sea water is alkaline water ...but ..Yeah drinking good amount of water ...added mineral really help in digestion, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature...

I live in the dessert, need to drink more water 😂

best water is clean water...the cleanest water you can find is distilled water and it's also natures own way of cleaning itself.

Distilled water can be found in abundance for free which goes hand in hand with minimizing my dependency on fiat money! ;)

Real Water has 15 to 20 ppm tds while machine made distilled water got 1 to 2 ppm (lower number the better).
Distilled water is found everywhere as that is the only water nature provides.

"Distillation duplicates nature’s hydrologic cycle"

Ionized water is NOT water but hydroxide which creates a immune response in the body when consumed. Should definitely NOT be used a a source of every day water intake. There's a reason why these machines are classified as medical equipment. I myself bought one for $3000 and learned the hard way about this through extensive experience...

"Drink distilled water purified nature’s way: evaporation and condensation.”

“It is not possible in the very nature of things —in the organization of our bodies and in its relations to external objects— to improve upon pure water, neither as a circulating fluid conveying nourishment to the tissues of our bodies, nor as a quencher of thirst."


Yeah I like to mix it up at times, I know when I’m trying to flush out the body and lean up, drinking distilled water for 2 weeks works 😀

Great to hear @stackin! :) There's also a half truth being spread surrounding distilled water, that it leeches minerals from the body. It's true...but only the inorganic ones you don't want in your body in the first place. The organic minerals are already assimilated by the body so you won't have to worry about that! :)

"The idea that distilled water leaches minerals from the body is a half-truth. There are 2 major mineral groups, inorganic and organic. The truth part that they failed to mention is that distilled water leaches the inorganic minerals from the body. Your body cannot use inorganic minerals. Your body is organic. It all comes down to the electrical charge. Organic matter has a negative charge and inorganic matter has a positive charge. Distilled water is a bath of negatively charged water molecules. We know that opposites attract so magnetically distilled water is attracted to inorganic matter. It rips inorganics out of your body. It dissolves it molecule by molecule. Distilled water makes your cells so happy because it's nothing but pure H2O. It brings you to full fruition and enlivens you. It removes every single particle of dirt in your body if you drink enough of it."

-Andrew Norton Webber

Nice, thanks for the info .. First time read about this
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

I don't want to rain on your parade but there is no benefit to alkalize water.

Best water to drink is San Pellegrino Carbonated Spring Water out of a glass bottle...try it for a few weeks and tell me what you think, a nice COLD bottle on a hot summer day when you're thirsty is probably the best time ever lol

Here this is a short video about why you shouldn't alkalize your body

I got cases of those already but alkaline water is dangerous is nonsense. Everyone has their opinion lol

alkaline water isnt dangerous, alkalizing your body can be dangerous.

And if you are drinking pellegrino then you are countering any alkalizing any other water might be doing since it is acidic so theres that too lol

I think having an acid body from all the nasty drinks out there is more dangerous lol

The body is different PH everywhere, from blood to tongue to saliva, stomach acid is like 1-3 PH...check out more of Eric Bergs videos he explains it well

Have you looked into Kangen?

What’s up boss, yeah I’m a 6a Member! I got like three machines and one is the k8. 😎

I drink water from the pools on the strip. Cleanest water around

From the flamingo or hard rock pool? 😂

Hm, I haven't heard of Real Water before (and alkaline water at that) - now I do!

We have "Berkey" water with filters for the fluoride/chlorine and who knows what else they put in our tap water.

Really glad to see someone paying attention to what kind of water they drink! Yay! And to top it off, organic coffee! Woohoo! I like you already just for highlighting

organic of course

Haven't heard of Stackin... I'm going to do some research so any docs you have to speed up the learning curve is appreciated!

I said you should do ten selfies, I’m a bit disappointed!

I'm a guy, give me a break... us men don't like rules haha 😋 🤣

I drink all water types. I only remember ever drinking one type of water that I didn’t like, but I think it’s been discontinued. I’m not a picky water drinker

You besssss try some Real Water! 😂 😅

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Or you could just receive a stack of flags instead.

Alkaline water is more than just a placebo effect imo. Most of us these days eat more acidic and inorganic food(soda, sugar, dairies, etc.) which we don't know are harmful and decreases the pH level of our body. Alkaline water helps balance these effects and keep our health on top. I'm drinking alkaline water at least 1L a day too. Price is not that high, and yes it's tastes good too!

Totally agree, people eat like shut these days... I do it also, we got to balance it out like you said 😀

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