
You could always do both like somebody I know 😁

Oh snap lol

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Hi fulltimegeek,

I have noticed that your bots have been flagging steemcleaners' comments as retaliation for frankbacon flags.
frankbacon posts were reported by the community. 99% of posts that we comment and/or flag on are reported by someone else and not part of individual investigations by steemcleaners' members. And it was the case with frankbacon. Someone reported him so we just did our routine procedure and commented and flag the posts. As you have noticed, we process hundreds of reports per week.

I have not spoken neither with you nor frankbacon in Discord. When I entered the Discord channel, you were both already moved to timeout by steemcleaners' helper (our discord helpers are not Steemcleaners team members) and you both left Discord completely. I apologize if our helper upset you in any way.
When I entered the channel I noticed avalanche of accusations and insults thrown by frankbacon towards steemcleaners.
I can understand that someone may be upset by our comments and flags, but such things can be resolved in more assertive way.

The flags were disputable and were up to removal. Also the comment could have been edited if he just added the reference sources for his post taken from Washington Post article, as well as other post with adapted Disney story.

Threatening us with "war" and raging vindictive flags is not helping this platform. It appears as some sort of bullying. We are project supported by community and the platform trying to fight exploitation as much as we have capacity to do so (the work becomes even more difficult due to different visions of some of the major witnesses who don't care much about the content and future and are only here to get return quick return on investment and are short term thinking).
The platform is flooded with all sorts of plagiarism, spamming, phishing, identity deception or theft, etc.
If we hadn't tried to help solving these issues, the site would long gone to have opinion of scam haven where you can earn for doing nothing and it would also dramatically impact the price of STEEM and legibility of the platform.

Making our comments invisible doesn't help the platform as these users cannot see the message.
Letting exploitation of Steemit going s is making this place worse for you, me and all of us.

Just some, today's example of why it is important that we fight plagiarism on Steemit.


If you are coming to next SteemFest, it would be nice to talk about these things in person.

Hey there, @logic. Thanks for taking time talking to me personally about this yesterday. And, hey! I was under the impression that @steemcleaners, itself, was a bot. So I guess I learned something new here.

I'd be a lot more interested in seeing a screencap of the actual reports against @frankbacon than some random one. Can you reveal who brought his posts that ended up being flagged to your attention?

We cannot reveal the name of reporters but I will drop you screenshot of the report later with name hidden, when I get back home.
About frankbacon responses underneath.
You see for yourself the character of the person.
Anyway anyone is welcome to come to "disputes" channel and read for themselves what was there.

Thanks, @logic. That would be greatly appreciated. I'm curious to see what I can discern from the complaints even without the name... Bacon's been getting harassed by a particularly petulant steemian for quite some time and it would be good to know if the original complaints are coming from them. If so, it would be a cut-and-dry case of abuse of your program and might help everyone involved to improve on things.

As for @frankbacon's comments below, his character is what I love most about him but I wish we could all JUST STOP IT!! That was an inside joke but I'm not kidding. I'm getting pretty tired of watching my friends hurl themselves into wars over things like this. I think I'll go make a post about my stance on this (and other similar issues). You're welcome to join in the discussion.

Great point... @logic sounds more like @csthetruth and is just trying to sensationalize THEIR work while MAKING SHIT UP about other people's work. I'll be working on a response to @logic's GARBAGE above but it takes quite a bit of time for me to get situated so that I can write something that the IDIOTS @steemcleaners GANG can comprehend... you gotta really dumb it down for these toolbags...

Hi @logic

Someone reported him so we just did our routine procedure and commented and flag the posts. As you have noticed, we process hundreds of reports per week.

Admission of your unchecked Power.

Simple solution...

  1. Remove all current flags by YOU and the GANG.
  2. YOU and the GANG, Mute my account... move on.
  3. NEVER, and I do mean NEVER come anywhere near my work or the work of accounts in my network EVER again.

Not doing so leaves you ALL open to MY Unchecked power and I love showing arrogant assholes the errors of their ways.

This is war buddy!

Get used to some disappointment coming your way.

Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 12.33.17 PM.png

NO. 2

When I entered the channel I noticed avalanche of accusations and insults thrown by frankbacon towards steemcleaners.

Well you FUCKING FUCK! What the FUCK did you expect you ignorant ASS? Post the silly screenshot of the supposed "Avalanche" of accusations! WE have the Screenshots. It wasn't an Avalanche... YOU are making SHIT up.

Threatening us with "war" and raging vindictive flags is not helping this platform. It appears as some sort of bullying. We are project supported by community and the platform trying to fight exploitation as much as we have capacity to do so

YOU are hiding behind the Platform like some Statist Politician. How pathetic. Can you maybe put together a report on WHO originally claimed "Abuse", along with a detailed description of the FLAGS used by all the accounts in the Steemcleaners GANG? Because if you're going to CRY about this, you really need to have a Strong Case... which you don't.

What you have is one big FUCK UP on the part of YOU and the GANG of bandits who hang around with you. You started SHIT with ME and MY MOB of Influencers...

Simple solution...

  1. Remove all current flags by YOU and the GANG.
  2. YOU and the GANG, Mute my account... move on.
  3. NEVER, and I do mean NEVER come anywhere near my work or the work of accounts in my network EVER again.


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