Chess problem 57 / Schachaufgabe 57

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


This time I won't make your task complicated to understand: simply play as white and enforce a checkmate after at the latest five (white) moves!
(I am very curious to see if it took me more time to compose this riddle than it will cost you to solve it ...)

Have fun now! :)


Diesmal ist die Aufgabenstellung einfach und klar: Spielt mit Weiß und setzt in spätestens fünf (weißen) Zügen schachmatt!
(Ich warte mit Spannung darauf, ob es euch mehr Zeit kosten wird, dieses Rätsel zu lösen, als mich, es zu komponieren ...)

Viel Spaß beim Lösen! :)

FEN: 3R4/ppK1p3/k5n1/P4B2/1P2Np2/8/1bp5/8 w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:


Hello @jaki01

  1. Nc3 c1=N
  2. Be6 (threatens checkmate on c4) Ne5
  3. Bc8 Bxc3
  4. Rd5 black moves
  5. Bxb7#

That's correct. Congrats for finding the solution first! :)

Interesting is that 2. Bc8? doesn't work because of 2. ... Bxc3 3. Td5 Be5+. White has to force the black knight to block the square e5 first ...

I will add the complete solution with all important side variations now.

Exactly, I was trying 2.Bc8 first as you said but the black bishop checks the king and the solution was not in five moves, so I found 2. Be6 to bring the knight on g6 to e5 square.

Thanks :)

Ah, I missed this one again. Congrats to the winner and to you for creating that lovely piece. You mentioned that it took some time to create it. Would be interesting to know how long exactly? Would be interesting as well to learn more about the process of creating such a position :-) E.g. I wonder why you placed a pawn on e7 and on f4 ?!

I didn't watch at the clock while creating this problem, but it lasted hours this time because it was so hard to eliminate many trivial side variations.

The pawn at f4 prevents the variation 1. Nc3 Nf4 (then Be6 wouldn't be possible anymore).

The pawn at e7 prevents variations where Rd6+ would win easily ...

Before composing my riddles most of the time I think about any theme I would like to treat: for example white wins by castling, by en passant, by smothered mate, like Nigel Short against Timman with his king, and so on. And then I build a chess problem around this idea ...

Thanks a lot for this insights.

i have not played chess in few years

Oh, I see ... then I guess this chess riddles are not really easy to solve ... You should try to get some practice again! :)

I'll try to answer it with the spirit of Sir @jaki01, let's hope it's true.
nc5 - kb5
bd3 - checkmate

Second way,
nc3 - bxc3
bd3 - Win

  1. Nc5+ Kb5
  2. Bd3+ Kxb4


  1. Nc3 c1N

Then @juanmi96 showed the correct solution.

Thank you so much for your support Sir @jaki01. :)

You gave the answer! That's awesome!


  1. Nc3, Bxc3, Bd3

  2. Bc8, Bxc3

Make it like this: all white moves on the left side and all black moves on the right For example:

  1. Nc3 Bxc3
  2. Bd3+

However black can defend better:

  1. Nc3 c1N

Thank for your answer. I will learn again how good a game of chess.

First way : Rd5 , c1Q+
Kd8 , Be5
Nd6 , Bxd6
Bd3+ , Qc4
Bxc4 (checkmate)

Second: Nc3 , Bxc3
Bd3 (checkmates)

The first way doesn't work:

  1. Rd5 c1Q+
  2. Kd8 and then for example 2. ... e6 wins for black:
  3. Nc5+ Kb5
  4. Nd3+ exd5
  5. Nxc1 Bxc1

Concerning the second way black can defend better

  1. Nc3 c1N

@Juanmi96 showed how white can win nevertheless then.

oh i see ,
i didnt see that coming ..
and i m kinda doubt with the first way too.

wait for your next quiz sir @jaki01

Ich muss gestehen, dass ich bei dieser Serie leider nicht teilnehmen kann, da ich tatsächlich nie Schach gespielt habe.

Dennoch eine super interaktive Sache!

Hmm wieder zu spät.... schade... upvote gibts trotzdem, fande letztes mal schwieriger glaube