The Rules of Getting Married in China

in #china7 years ago

I met this guy about 3 years ago and all he’s talked about was achieving a couple goals so that he could finally tie the knot.

Who doesn’t love a good wedding especially when you’re in a foreign country everything is still so interesting. Food, drinks, music, and people to meet that you’d probably never get the chance to otherwise.

There are some real deal breakers here in China that us western folks might find to be “Killers of Love” but they are not easy to get around here. On top of the customary rules there will probably be some imposed on the man by his future wife’s family that he will need to address before he can make her his only one.

First, the one that baffles me most coming from Canada where I never heard anyone, a cultural thing anyways, having to adhere to upfront.

That the man must own his home. It doesn’t really matter how big it is but obviously if he can afford a big place he will have a better chance of landing the girls family then if he didn’t have one at all. This is the most important and all Chinese men seek to own their home as soon as possible, like who in the world doesn’t want that. I would love to own my own home, hell maybe even a few, the time is coming. Most men in China will never own their own home, housing is just too expensive and too many jobs just don’t offer a salary big enough.

The freedom of financial security is the real reason for this. See in China, being the capitalist state that it is, more so than America in several ways, owning a house is security. In China if you get really sick you will have to pay for a doctor out of pocket. Sure there is some government assistance when you’re in the hospital but it is never enough, just the bare basic care.

So, owning your home in advance of a life altering illness gives the man some leverage as he can get a loan or sell his house to pay for medical costs.

(They will visit every table and have shot of Bai Jiu, Chinese alcohol)

Secondly, the woman’s parents knowing that she is the greatest woman on earth must be able to rest assured that her man can take care of her better than they can now that they are getting old and soon won’t even be able to take care of themselves, thus relying on the bigger family unit to help out as is the custom in China. Generally speaking the wife would take care of her husband’s aging parents while expecting her brother’s wife to care for hers. BUT the one child policy fucked it all up and they didn’t address it in the culture until the past year by allowing two children. That’s another article entirely.

My friend here and manager for the company I work for was given another task before he was allowed to marry. He had to get his driver’s license. Now having just bought a new home he is off the hook to buy a car but at least he can drive.

Chinese weddings are fun and quick and lots of delicious food. No mention of god, just an exchanging of vows, a speech from the father’s and if you’re in a respected position at your work the boss will also give an encouraging speech.

(the big boss)

We all get a loot bag to say thank you for coming and witnessing our special day. All guests are also expected to give some money, lots of money depending on your relationship with the couple. I was just an employee for a few years so I don’t think I was obligated to give more than the few hundred RMB I gave. Though do keep in mind hosting a wedding party is expensive so whatever you give should at least cover your own expense plus a bunch more.

(premium cigarettes and candy, better than Halloween, lol)

I'm sure it's all worth it. So, what's next, he has a home, he has a wife, he has a great job with lots of friends? I suppose he's looking forward to retirement. ^^


Hello @solarguy

I must say this is a beautiful wedding,with colorful pictures and mouth watering dishes.

Thanks. It was a lot of fun. Wish i was invited to more.

Haha I love how they put cigarettes in the candy bag lol. It looks like you are sipping on some baijiu there !? That stuff is powerful, you can probably light it on fire pretty easily :)

I once attended a Chinese wedding as the best man. Everyone wanted to drink with me and do bottoms up.

In order to really know what happened during the wedding the next morning I was shown some photos, it looked like I had a great time, but I don't remember most of it hehe

Oh man best man at a chinese wedding must been awesome. All that bai jiu ur kind of obligated to guzzle down might chase me off of being the best man.

Because, like you, i never remember how i get home or what i did. Lol somehow i manage to never lose my phone.

Haha loosing the Phone would suck. I woke up after the wedding and put on my glasses. Everything was blurry, so I figured I am probably still drunk, which I was, but further more the right glass piece on my glasses was gone. I have absolutely no clue how that happened hehe

Oh man best man at a chinese wedding must been awesome. All that bai jiu ur kind of obligated to guzzle down might chase me off of being the best man.

Because, like you, i never remember how i get home or what i did. Lol somehow i manage to never lose my phone.

The house thing and taking care of ageing parents in law is a custom in India also. I think you can even say it for whole of Asia!! Although I am surprised that there are no God vows taken in China, during marriages!! Not that I am a God fearing person, but just never heard marriages without God vows and all.

Phew glad im not from Asia but i still respect needing a house to be secure. Maybe i can land wealthy girl who alrwady has a house.

Not mentioning god or holy matrimony was very noticable but really dont need to be in love and share it with the world. I understand India has many gods which one is for weddings?

Haha, no specific God for marriage. The priest invokes all of them together during the marriage ceremony!!

Interesting account of a chinese wedding in China, it's pretty much similar to weddings here in Singapore. Yes, it cost quite a bit both for the wedding couples as well as the guests ;)

I think I will elope. Haha

Interesting dynamics and difference for sure, we have it easy in the west :-)

We do don't we. Yep, even makes an exuse to break up. Sorry baby, i dont own my house yet. Lol

Expats aren't allowed to real estate property in China with a Chinese partner holding 50%.

Lucky us.

I really find all that fascinating. To just look at wedding culture and how it differs from place like here in the U.S. where I'm at is so interesting. I didn't know those customs before. I went to grad school with a guy from Nepal. He was excited to graduate so he could go back to Nepal where his parents would arrange a marriage for him. He told me the most interesting stuff about arranged marriages and how supportive of them he was.

Wow, he was excited for an arranged marriage. Crazy. But hey if was looking forward to i hope his potential wife was also excited about it.

Would u want an arranged marriage? Its not completely uncommon in China, whats more common though is the parents having the final say of their child marries their person they are with.

Great post! I listened to a pod cast not too long ago regarding arranged marriage studies and much to my surprise, many who were in arranged marriages were generally happier due to not spending their thoughts on all the other fish in the sea. I am SO grateful i get to choose my partner, but I do find it very interesting.

Nice post!!! But, wow, so much pressure so early in life 😱

Seriously, China is a lot of pressure from the day the learn to walk. Its a very competitive society so not many have the luxury of rest when they need it rather only after they work double hard.

Holy stress!! Nice wedding though and a truth that you marry the family!! I wondered what would happen if there were two sisters rather than a brother and sister. Who would take care of the parents then?

Great story and post @solarguy :)

You know, it really messes things up. It has in many destroyed families, China is beginning to solve these issues as it develops they are making more old age homes and they made law that kids must visit their retired parents or send them money once a year.

Glad you liked it.

No home no game they say.

Pity. I wonder if a shack acceptable.

Very interesting thank you for sharing appreciate it @mannyfig1956

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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