
PRAYER OF THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE, MOST FULFILLED AND RESPECTED, PRAYER WARRIOR …prayers that outwit the enemy, heals the heart, rout out demons, avail much in lives and ministry.

Are you that Christian who wants to break free from evil strong hold and get to where God has destined for your life? If so, read on.
Have friends and families looked down on you?
Do you want to get to where God has destined?
Have they told you that you would amount to nothing in life?
Do you live in fear of tomorrow?
If you answer yes to any of these questions,
This will be the most important message that will change your life.
Here is why.
Listen to me; it is your right as a Christian to enjoy peace, favors, health and succeed in every aspect of your life …to live without lack, fear, anxiety…
…but you have to defeat Satan and his agents to get your blessings
I want to guide you to victory
Why should you listen to me?
I ‘m Deborah Huldah a prayer warrior, who God has use to help people all over the world…but I learnt it the hard way.
My ministry was dry as the arid land of the desert; there was despair from members,
My family was falling apart, my husband started going out with people of the world … he started attending late night parties, dating other women.
My children that were obedient and trustworthy… began showing signs of deceit and waywardness due to bad friends
My congregation looked at me with shame and pity.
… I felt I would just crawl under a rock and die than go true such disgrace. I took series of counsel from marriage experts to no avail.
I needed a breakthrough.
This drove me to series of prayers that changed my situation, and those who I have share this prayer with…and it will do the same for you too.
My husband came crawling over broken glass begging me to forgive him…
My children came running to me like a happy puppy cutting all ties with every bad friend…and my ministry grew …we have lived happily as family till today.
Here you will discover,
 The secret prayer of Daniel to make your enemies’ confused and powerless in your life live stress and worry free.

 Prayers that make you stand out among your peers… the prayers of Solomon that make people drawn to him like an electromagnet.

 The Jabez prayer that will turn your life around …from one nobody gave a chance to someone all would come to for advice.

 Two important bible verses you should speak and teach others as a prayer warrior, if you intent to be as powerful as Elijah

 Little known secret of modern day witchcraft present in almost all homes…how you should break free from their stronghold

 … Plus the 7 deadly signs you must know when under attack by evil forces … failure to understand this signs weaken your spiritual life, and call to question your claim of been a Christian.

You should note this day because your life is going to change for the better
This prayers is base on Gods words that never fail…written in simple, easy to follow steps.
This is the most important decision you will make this year …Get a copy today,
search on amazon Deborah Huldah powerful prayer book free for kindle unlimited subscribers KU/KOLL

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