God's Grace VS Your Abilities...

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Dear friends,
Do we depend on our own efforts to change? Or do we depend on God’s grace in our lives?

You see, God is interested in inward heart transformation that can only be brought about by His grace; He is not interested in outward behavior modification; that's what many religion are focussing on today.
When you catch a revelation of just how much God loves you, effortless transformation will come without you struggling for it, and you will see those bad habits fall away.

God's grace is higher than our own abilities!

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Pastor Lea

La version Francaise se trouve en-dessous de l'image

Chers amis,
Sommes-nous tributaires de nos efforts pour changer? Ou dépendons-nous de la grâce de Dieu dans nos vies?

Vous voyez, Dieu s'intéresse à la transformation du cœur intérieur qui ne peut être provoquée que par sa grâce; Il ne s'intéresse pas à la modification de comportement externe, comme beaucoup de religions essayent de nous faire comprendre.
Lorsque vous avez la révélation de combien Dieu vous aime, une transformation sans effort viendra sans que vous lutteriez pour cela, et vous verrez ces mauvaises habitudes tomber.

La grâce de Dieu est plus élevée que nos propres capacités!


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This is related to steemit too @steemcleaners, I have a lot of people commenting in tus tag too. Every tag I use end up been a blessing for someone in that specific community. I wouldn't use something if it's not helping people. I am a pastor and that is what I do here, sharing the good news of the Gospel. I don't use some tags because they're not just the right ones. Thank you for the advice but #steemit is a good one and help a lot of people trust me...

Jeremiah 17:
7“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD.
8He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Our dependence on God naturally leads to the change that stands up even in the toughest of times.

Good reminder of a truth that is, because of our own issues, so hard to fully live out, but oh so rewarding when we do live the way He has called us to.

Great texte dear beloved.... So, His grace is what you trust in!

Amen beloved in Christ. You are blessed... I am sure you enjoy daily the extremities of God's goodness

Amen to the power of grace through faith pastor, Bless you

praise the Lord. Grace wins over our personal abilities...

Unfortunately @pastorlea , many of us, even for us redeemed by His blood , still let self-righteousness have the best of us.
Until we can acknowledge that (confess) , and let the Holy Spirit come in and clean house , we cannot fully let Grace (that is sufficient) to restore us fully just as He has intended for our lives to thrive.
Wouldn't you agree?

We can, if we are completely and totally renewed in our consciousness of who God is for us, in us, with us...
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And that is where the willingness to let go needs to be done, from our side, because God gave us that free will to do so.

Amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Glory to Jesus

hey brother...
How to write a good article ?

A good article is what comes from your heart...
You share what make you happy, your passion, hobbies etc... Be YOU, that's all - That's what I am doing. I am a pastor and I share about the Love of God!

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Anything is possible WITH God. I have found that some habits are easy to drop while others are harder. But we are human and as long as we recognize our faults and repent and ask forgiveness, we can keep on growing and maturing to become more like Christ. I think it is important to keep trying with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Alone we will not be able. So thankful we have God's grace and mercy. The closer we draw to God the more and more we will change.

His Grace is sufficient to us... praise His name

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