LDR: The Christian way

in #christianity7 years ago

Long distance relationships differ quite a lot from typical relationships. It focuses on maintaining a significant amount of trust and patience for your significant other despite the distance between you.


Sadly, today people do not see the blessing on waiting or biding your time for the person you love. The bible is not popular for its cheesy love stories we come to know today but it does tell stories of Love like no other.

A love that is unconditional and genuine. A love that has its perfect time holds its fair share of sacrifices. Here are some Bible LOVE stories that I found inspiring.

Jacob and Rachel

At first sight Jacob fell held over heels for Rachel. Because of that He agreed to work for her father, Laban for 7 years. Without fail Jacob manage to pull his end of the bargain but little did he knew Laban switch Rachel for her older sister, Leah the night of the wedding.

Realizing the trickery, Jacob was forced to yet again work for Rachel’s hand for 7 years. And so he did pulled through and manage to marry Rachel.

Have you been that much passionate for someone that you’re willing to work for them for 14 years? How many men do you know can do that?

Mary and Joseph

Have you ever been shocked to know about the things you don’t know about your partner? Well how about dropping the “baby bomb” on you just as you became engaged. Joseph was a kind and humble man but he was not immune to the news that his soon to be wife Mary was pregnant (by the Holy Spirit).

Joseph was very troubled and planned to silently leave Mary so she will not be shamed. Back then society wasn’t very kind to subjects like fathering a child out of wedlock or having been pregnant before the marriage. Joseph still made the choice to stick with Mary despite all the fears of social scorn and rejection.

This kind of Love transcends fear. Can you Love your partner despite the changes?

God and Humanity

Who said Love is all about romantic relationships. God’s love for everyone is the corner stone of real Love. Actually, He is Love itself. He embodies it. John 3:16 is a world renowned bible verse with says it all. That for you to live a life of hope and freedom, God gave His only son to die for your sins.

Jesus Himself loved everyone that much and was willing to die on the cross. Back then death via cross was a fate worse than death but still he accepted it as the price to pay for what should have been our debts.

True, authentic and lasting love will always lead to sacrifices and perseverance. It pushes us to the limit of our understanding and sometimes hurts us in the process. I for one think it’s comforting to know that love like this exists. Regardless of where you are right now or what background you came from we always know that Love always goes beyond. It’s worth it. You’ll be able to get through it like what this people did if Love is truly whats in your heart.

My husband and I are also in a LDR. Yes, it is sad. And yes, there are times for fights. We take comfort in the trust that we have for each other to get us through it. Praying for each other also helps. Knowing that we are doing this for the betterment of our family makes us more determined to hold on to each other. Love transcends the loneliness.

Admirable. I still have a long way to go

i admire your entry! it is indeed true that authentic and lasting love will always lead to sacrifices and perseverance.

I had my own share of being in an LDR for two years but now, we are happily married!!

Congratulations! Your an encouragement to LDR couples

Ang sweet namn yayy

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