Fruit bearing disciples

in #christianity6 years ago

Fruit bearing disciple

The lord demand on His chosen disciples when he said ‘’ but I have chosen you and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit’’. The above biblical expression shows clearly that every disciple of the Lord is required to go and bear fruit. Every disciple is given the mandate to go and preach the gospel of the cross.

As Jesus Christ commanded it, so also apostle paul charged every Christians. The disciples have been given the power to heal all manner of diseases and the authority to cast out demons. However, in addition to all these, they are expected to bear fruit of the Spirit.

Nowadays, the church is replete with unconverted converts who claim to be born again but are Still romancing the world system. Civilization, with its attendant problems, is fast taking over the affairs of the church. This has led the church to raising unproductive and unprofitable disciples

Consequently, the disciple who fails to bear fruit will be cut down. Jesus Christ placed a curse upon the fig tree which refused to bear fruit and commanded it that should be cut down! Similarly, any disciple who does not bear fruit is living under a curse. Also, the prayer of a fruitless disciple will be futile and condemnation awaits such a person on the judgment day.

Dearly beloved, to become a fruitful disciple is not by struggling. There is somebody who empowers one to bear fruit, but you need to first abide in him to receive the productive ability. The lord Jesus said ‘’He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me, ye can do nothing.

How do we all abide in Christ? We abide in Him when we do his will. How can we know His will? We can know his will by meditating on the Bible and by having regular intimacy with him. If you are yet to be identified with Christ but want to be fruitful, the first fruit you need to bear is the fruit of repentance.

I mean you must repent of your sinful past and totally surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Having done that, continue to walk with God and be passionately committed to the things of the kingdom. God bless you.

thanks for reading this.


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