Instantly I became an Artist!

in #christianity5 years ago (edited)

about James Martinez - 2020 .jpg

Never really understood all the hype about people who were so in love with God that that's all they spoke about, then I found Him. He literally touched me and I instantly became an artist. As I prepare for my second show this coming year I can't stop thinking about what I went through and who I've become.

Its all amazing.

New Vlog - James Martnez - 2020.jpg

Considering myself an artist on every level - I write, paint, create cinematic imagery, striving for anything to do with bringing something wonderful to life. Here are a few pieces I've created.

Seven o Seven on The Seventh - James Martinez - Giclee - 2018.png

Gravity Space Time - James Martinez - Giclee  - 2018.png

God first appears - James Martinez - Giclee  - 2018.png

Visit my site for more info on my works


Just so you understand where I'm coming from with all this faithful talk;

I was once so consumed with myself that I had lost sight of the most important things in life. I was spiraling down for so long I nearly died. Then after a while that fast paced lifestyle was about seeing how high I could go and studying the after affects, looking for the next good time but trying to make sense of life and what its all about.

I felt this part is important to understand because while some may think I was merely self destructing, the truth is I was on a mission to uncover what it was consuming me. Why was I pushing my limits but found none? Why night after night was I searching for something I couldn’t explain but what seemed like I already had.

Suppose it was the combination of self-centeredness and carelessness that had me lost in the world. I hadn’t yet realized how far removed from God I was until I awoke spiritually and found I wasn’t where I knew I should've been.

There were many others lost in confusion suffering right along side me. I remember as I got back to life, how I had prayed hoping to end human suffering. It was because I’d gone through it and didn’t want others to have to suffer the same way.

By the time I hit bottom I hadn’t any friends left. My family didn’t want to be around me. I tore through relationships because they were always so one sided, I couldn’t be with anyone. (consumed with all that me me me me sort of stuff)

I surrounded myself with unrighteous folks, the liars, misfits and people who didn’t mind my behavior. The ones doing the same sort of things I was doing. The same ones The Bible speaks of when it talks of condemnation. I was consumed by the world. I tell you this for certain, had I not found God I wouldn’t have made it.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way leading to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14

Just so you fully understand of how far I fell and how amazing God’s grace is; I’ve sinned more than you, cursed more than you, doubted more, was more poor in spirit than you all. I slept around more than you, did more drugs than you, I partied harder, broke every commandment and didn't think anything of it. In my mind i thought I was okay . . .

For God to bless me for finding true repentance and vowing to do the things we're doing is absolutely a miracle. When you hear about what we're doing you'll understand. So before you come over to my page acting all ungodly and unrighteous and stuff, I'll let you know. I see straight through you and know exactly where you are.

God doesn't suffer fools, and neither will I. If I can make it through the world and get past myself, so can everyone. So don't bring that nonsense around here trying to fight. If you knew who I really am you'd mind your self. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. (Big shout out to the fools unaware they're running to hell) WAKE UP!

Anyhow, thanks for reading. I'm working at delivering more content on this platform.
Thanks for the vote and the follow. Gonna be getting real on this page! Also, follow me on DTube @


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No, you really didn't become an artist. And yes, you really are a false teacher. Maybe you're insane because you claim that you traveled in time and changed history. Or maybe you're just a liar.

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