The Defeat of Egypt and Babylon

in #christianity7 years ago

The children of Israel had a number of enemies that they had to contend with one of their greatest enemy which was Egypt. For over four hundred years Israel was in bondage002-moody-moses-red-sea.jpg in Egypt,her peace was destroyed,her liberty was taken away and her pride was eroded.
For so many years the children of Israel were slaved to the Egyptians and had to live their lives in fear and in sorrow. God wanted the Israelites to depart from the servitude of Egypt but the Egyptians would not let them go. When eventually the children of Israel went out of Egypt, 001-moody-moses-red-sea.jpg king Pharaoh and his army ran after them with the intention of bringing them back into bondage. By a mighty hand, God brought Israel out of Egypt and brought them into their land of promise. Egypt therefore stands for the enemy of God's people who keep them in bondage and would not let them go, and if they do go, they will try to bring them back into bondage. Egypt is a spirit of witchcraft because it seeks to keep people in perpetual bondage..
Babylon represents the spirit of the world and her sins. !()Babylon is the chief of harlots and immoralities.250px-Exiles-in-Babylon.jpg God has also pronounced defeat upon Babylon so every spirit of Babylon is destroyed from our lives cause we are not of this world. Even though we live in the world we belong to another world, the realm of God's heaven.


And that's why Tell Aviv , today , is the gay capitol of the world ;-)

There is absolutely no historical or archaeological evidence that any of what you describe took place. The Bible stories in Exodus are simply a rehash of numerous ancient near eastern myths.