The Word of God and Sin.

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

The Word of God and Sin.

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The purpose of the death of Jesus Christ was to reunite us with the Father God almighty, but today in our generation it looks like this purpose is falling apart. I for once personally think that this generation are lacking a lot when it comes to the Word of God. Many people in our generation have laid aside the Word of God for money, education, good life, marriage, sports and many more. I am not condemning anyone for loving or working hard for any of the things I have mentioned but what I am trying to say is let make the Word of God have a large place in us first then the rest can come in. Today's world has been filled with what I call beautiful sin. The purpose for which Jesus Christ came to die for us was to take away our sins and being us back to the Father. All this can be possible by just having the Word of God in us and fleeing from sin.
When we walk away from sin we walk into that which pleases God. For sin is that which takes us far from our God. Sin separates us from God and causes Him not not hear us.

Isaiah.59. Vs1: - Listen! The LORD is not too weak to save you, and he is not becoming deaf. He can hear you when you call.
Vs2 - But there is a problem--your sins have cut you off from God. Because of your sin, he has turned away and will not listen anymore. [NLT].

Our sins create a wall that blocks the face of God from reaching us, do you know why? Because God is holy, He is free from sin, He has no place for sin, He has no sin in Him. The Lord God almighty is the Lord who hates sin but has the power to cleanse and purge us of our sin. If we ask of Him he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1John.1.9 - But if we confess our sins to him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. [NLT].

We can make it right by first asking for for forgiveness of sins and confessing your sins and asking God to help you make it well with Him by your side because without Him we can do nothing.
Also as I said before the Word of God can bring us back to the Father if we read, study and meditate on the Word of God daily. For by so doing the Holy Spirit comes to have it rightful place in us and begins to control our lives, thereby helping us to flee from sin.
As the Word of God says in;

Ps.119.11 - I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. [NLT].

As a powerful preacher once said

Either the word of God will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the word of God.

The Power of the Word

  1. The Word will help you walk free from sin. [Psalm 119:11]
  2. The Word will make you prosper in all that you do. [Joshua 1:8]
  3. The Word will make you see the wisdom of God. [Psalm 119:130]
  4. The Word will give you strength to walk through this life on earth. [Psalm 119:28]
  5. The Word will stir up your faith in the Lord. [Romans 10:17]
  6. You will find peace in the word of God. [Psalm 119:165]
  7. The word of God will help you know the truth and flee from deception. [James 1:22] and [1Timothy 4:1].

The Word of God has power, explore this power now by reading, studying and meditating on the Word of God each day and sin will have no place in you and I.

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