Avoid Presumption

Jos. 22:10-16, 21-23, 30-34

The children of Israel would have waged an unjust war against the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh because “the children of Israel heard someone say “Behold, the children of Reuben, the children of Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh have built an altar on the frontier of the land of Jordan on the children of Israel side”.

This report erroneously suggested to them that the other two and a half tribes have rebelled. They called it treachery, based on mere hearsay.

They hurriedly mobilized for war, but upon a second thought, they dispatched representatives to the two and a half tribes for inquiries about the altar and to dissuade them from the presumed treachery.

Their finding showed that the two and a half tribes did not contemplate rebellion or treachery at all.

They might have prosecuted an unjust, unnecessary war against innocent brethren of theirs. As a child of God, do not act on hearsay.

Verify the facts to know the truth. Do not jump to conclusions, you might be wrong! Presumptions, assumptions, opinions are not facts and most times, they are subjective.

Don’t embark on civil litigation against any person based on hearsay, presumption or your biased opinions. Verify and confirm your facts.

Do not allege any wrong doing against any one until you have unimpeachable facts. Don’t accuse your brother, your spouse, or church member or minister of any wrong doing if you do not have cogent and compelling evidences.

Whilst trying to settle dispute on any matter, watch for and act only on facts, not hearsay, presumption or personal opinion.

Point of Emphasis: Act on facts not on presumptions whilst resolving disputes.

Prayer Point: Lord, restrain me from acting on presumptions; give me a quiet and patient spirit to seek and to know the truth on any issue.‎ good morning wish you the very best of this weekend

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